Elbrus Expedition // Mountain Expeditions

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In 2017 the talented film maker Yann B joined my annual Elbrus Expeditions to the south side of the highest mountain in Europe. Generally the weather wasn't great for filming but he still manage to make this incredible mini film from your trip! I hope you enjoy it.

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Jon, you're a legend. Your videos carry and continue your courage, charisma, character and alpine savvy for the rest of us to enjoy, learn from, and to be inspired by from the comfort of our homes. I'm so jealous of your epic adventures and I thoroughly admire you. As a fellow YouTuber and climber, I know how much extra effort it takes to film yourself doing quite literally anything in a way that will draw proper attention from viewers. Knowing you climbed all of these enormous peaks while also filming and providing an interesting dialogue....well, kudos to you brother. Again, you're a legend in my book. Much love your way! And stay safe!


Thanks again for taking us to the highest place of Europe with you !. Although summit days weather seems not quite good, but it's still amazing ! 😆👍


Good work Jon & team, summiting in such grim when did the oil barrels give way to a fancy lodge?!?


Hey Jon! I'd love to get into some higher altitude climbing but I struggle with finding gear that will fit. I'm 6'7, size 13 feet.. which is a nightmare for decent footwear and crampons etc.. My main issue is trousers! 38" inside leg and 36" waist.. I have a nightmare finding jeans, let alone mountaineering gear.. Do you know of anywhere that sells longer (not wider) clothes for the vertically gifted? 😂 Thanks!


Вау! Я из России! Там, где гора Казбек!

Удачи вам, ребята!

wow! I'm from Russia! I live where Mount Kazbek is located! guys, good luck!
