why I took a 10 day break from social media

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Hi my beautiful family

I filmed this social media detox 5 days into the detox, and now it’s currently day 10 and I’m back on social media. After you watch this video I hope you will be more aware of your actions, cautious of what you consume, and understand how valuable and precious your time is. Sometimes social media doesn’t allow us to see our full potential, it can hold us back and make us doubt ourselves.

I want you to remember

1- stop always searching for answers and be okay with the uncertainty. Don’t overthink, just take action. Things will fall into place.

2- never compare your life, you have so much to be grateful for, it’s the little things that matter. Trust that your timing will come.

3- set social media time limits, have someone hold you accountable, if not, have a tough conversation with yourself if you find yourself getting into scroll cycles, picking up your phone first thing in the morning, and constantly wasting time watching others. Invest more time into YOURSELF, you’ll gain so much clarity and be way more focused on your goals when you start to realize how important you are.

4- dopamine comes from different things, if you give up a bad habit, replace it with a good one otherwise you may just replace it with another bad habit that could potentially even be worse. Our mind works in mysterious ways so again be SELF AWARE!!! If you fall back into addictions, bad habits, never give up. Keep trying, you’ll soon get over it.

I hope you enjoy this video and if you’re thinking about finally making the change in your life, do the UPLIFT30 challenge with me and watch how much discipline and self control you will gain.

Leaving a link here with 50% off for those who want to change their life…

With love, Leana
Рекомендации по теме

Social media is more dangerous than we realize. It’s important to assess our intentions when going online or posting something. Sometimes not everything needs to be shared with the world.


I think that the problem with people doing YouTube is lack of strategy. They come up with ideas and upload them and post them straight away. They may be motivated for a couple months and may upload 40 videos in that time. 40 videos could be 40 or 20 weeks instead of 2/3 months. Batch and post consistently (use a bit of Famester as well). Don't post everything straight away, post it on the same day/time every week. This also helps to avoid burnout...


I love how she makes her whole living off social media but still advocates for how toxic it is and actively recommends us to limit our use thats how you know shes real


I stopped using social media for 4 months now and it feels amazing. I have way more focuss and i see the world is a way beautiful place as it seem on social media. Nothing is what it seem on social media. I hope everybody who is reading this is going to make it in life and thank you for this video you support the world in a good way❤️💯💯


Seeing "uploaded 18 seconds" ago is insane and very much motivation to start my own social media detox.


I think the best thing I ever did was delete tiktok, insta, and even twitter and it really opened my eyes going out with friends and seeing them constantly being on their phones. It got to a point during my break where I started to get tired and annoyed of my friends talking about tiktok or taking a picture solely to post it on insta. Being off social media forced me to live in the moment and to focus on things I’ve been putting off for a long time.
I will admit, that ever since I stopped insta, twt, and tiktok specifically, my friends talk to me less because there’s nothing to talk about…
I encourage everyone to do a social media detox every once in a while and connect with yourself. You learn alot about yourself when you take a step back from everything going on the internet. It’s nice to not know what’s going on. It’s nice to have people not know what you’re up to. It’s nice to be so in the moment even if it’s just going to the grocery store.


Last video i watched 10 days ago was this video and then i decided to do a 10 days screen detox. And I woke up early everyday and did yoga and meditation. And here I am after 10 days opening your video to comment and let you know. That you really have influenced me in a good way. Thanks for this video and i hope to such videos which can help people grow in life.


We’ll suffer one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons. -Jim Rohn


I love this - FOMO IS A HUGEEEE THING and the comparison is my next biggest reason. I recently came back from umrah and visiting family and I was soooo busy I barely had time to be on my phone, which was actually nice bc I wasn’t worried about getting back to anyone and dividing my time. It made me realize I should be focused on living my real life in the present rather than looking at everyone else and worrying about what they’re up to. I need to set a goal on my screen time, bc I have limits set but just ignore them bc of doom scrolling lol.


Omg. I love this. I love all your content. You really put into words one of my negative spirals. I don’t trust myself a lot of times and always am looking for answers or looking for what other people are doing, leading me to over-consume content and then continue to make me feel like I’m not where I’m supposed to be


So happy you’re back and you took the time to be with yourself! 🫂🤍 Eid Mubarak! 🫶🏽🇵🇸


The correct video in the correct moment ❤ I started the past Friday and I'm feel alive. I feel the moment, my body and my feelings with my people! without anxiety to review my social media and infinity scrolling, in this three days I can planning my days and time is enough ❤


I needed this video, I’ve been on Instagram too much lately and it makes me feel all of the negative things that you mentioned. I should do a detox too from social media so my mental health can get better and I can be more productive.


I literally did 10 days detox too. And whenever I feel like I’m consuming a lot I took break. But the fact is that I don’t even like posting stuffs anymore and didn’t feel like using social media. But somehow I did came back to it and use. Tbh you’re helping a lot with everything because I LITERALLY TRY not using it much after watching and listening to u and little progress is still a progress I guess. Thanks a lot . May allah reward you for everything 🥰❤️


Hey, Leana! I'm just a guy from Russia listening to this beautiful speech.


This is exactly what I needed right now. Thank you for delivering once again Leana! Love you!


Just finished doing my 2 week detox. It feels very refreshing. But surely it was easier than i thought. And once you start, it will be more easier as the days pass. Today my detox got finished, now that opened instagram,
1. I don’t feel compelled to scroll
2. Looking for meaningful content
3. I have lot of time in my hands.
4. I didn’t miss much 😂😅


Girl I got a flip phone last week. I have the same issue with social media, YouTube, Google, and shopping apps. Girl, I would literally go to Google for personal issues and would end up on Reddit or Quora. I was wasting so much time on my iPhone. I was always exhausted and frustrated telling myself I didn't have enough time to do the things I wanted to do. I have two kids so yeah I definitely have less time than any single person but I still had time, I was just wasting it. I now only use the Internet on my laptop. I can be more intentional with my internet usage this way. I did some tie dye with my daughter, meal prepped for the week, and did some journaling, reading, and organizing, I helped a friend prepare for EID, and I got some naps in too! lol. I now despise my iPhone. sometimes I need to turn it on cause I need GPS, a camera, or a Roku remote, but once I replace those things I literally want to throw it off a roof.


These days helped me understand many things! I had planned to forget all social media, but I like some of the things that you bring to my life, that keep me focused on the positive!🙏🏽


Social media is an addiction like other addictions. Limiting is tough but it’s necessary for one’s wellbeing. Consuming a lot is an issue. I also used to consume alot on social media and was absolutely lost. But Alhamdulillah after starting following you from November 2023 I literally had minimised SM. U have changed me in person a lot Alhamdulillah. Your app is not only about fitness but also mental health which is great. Eid Mubarik! ☪️🤲
