Dr. Eben Alexander on reincarnation and past lives

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Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander explains how he says reincarnation works, and why we can’t remember our past lives.


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The thinking mind is the annoying roommate. This guy nailed it.


My theory why we don't remember past lives is: A couple of reasons why memory resets is to get rid of past life traumas and bad memories. To get a fresh life spark and to get curious about the life and the world again. To cut the strings between you and everything and everybody you were attached to, so you can start from scratch and create new ones. Anything else that you can think of?


Come on, Larry, what he said has nothing to do with religion. You can be convinced we have multiple lives even if you are not religious.


I’ve finally found an explanation that I truly believe and agree with. This existence is about love and understanding. We were put here to take care of each other.


1:37 he is humble....he said "why am i wrong?" Not ...."im not wrong" 🤝 true icon


I’m a former atheist, I started having faith.
I do respect all faiths
I dislike extremism in all forms ;anti-theist is the worst


That voice in our head is like an "annoying roommate". That was hysterical, yet strangely accurate.


Imagine the first soul that incarnated into a human! It had to be so intense and scary. But, after I was thinking about it I realized that the souls had the built in ability to slowly ease into a physical existence. The earliest humans were far lower in awareness than we are today. They were almost like animals who had none of the innate fears humans do such as the fear of death, guilt and shame etc. But as the humans and souls co-evolved, the awareness of humans increased increasing our ability to experience physical, emotional and psychological pain.


The fact that you seek answers to the question of Afterlife or previous lives, says something. Is there more to this life or is this it, is this all that there is. Our true nature knows the truth. Dont loose sight of what is important right now, love. Love for one another. If the answers you seek help with love then keep going on the path.


I’m learning about Universal consciousness, and he’s right we are all here to learn our individual lessons.


"We all here to learn lessons...Your consciousness is the awareness...We share One Mind...It's all about the relationship...fundamentally it's about learning...love about ourselves, ... we are in together...showing compassion, kindness, forgiveness, mercy. We are really here to take care of each other...We are here to learn and grow..."


King: Why don't I remember my past life?
Me: Can you remember 50% of the things your heard, did, and said last Saturday? Nope! Our inability to recall precise moments in our life is the real reason why we don't remember past lives.


One does not need to be religious to be spiritual. As the matter of fact, religions have long been manipulated purposefully to deviate us from our very essence.


I hope you know that there is an Afterlife now Larry :) rest in peace ✌ 🙏


Reincarnation is real, and it’s not as clean cut as we like to think. Souls grow and mix and multiply. That’s why you see several children having the same memories. In a universe that constantly surprises us, it’s not that hard to believe that something as crazy as reincarnation exists. Energy doesn’t die, it transfers.


This is the first time i listen to someone outside my religious tradition spelling out our view on life and death. He nailed it to the point!


I read Virgil's Aeneid recently. This was the great epic of the foundation of Ancient Rome. The Emperor Augustus helped poets to creat epics and poems in Latin to rival those of Ancient Greece. It is interesting to note that in the middle of his epic, Virgil states that his Trojan hero, Aeneas, has to go into the underworld to meet the dead. He meets his deceased father in Elysium, or paradise. His father shows him the future Rome that his descendents will create. He does this by showing him a procession of future Romans who are about to be incarnated on planet Earth. However, this is reincarnation, not one ssingle birth, and tthose future Romans have to drink of the River Lethe, the River oof Forgetfulness, in order to be reborn. So, once they are born as Romans, they will forget all past lives. Virgil believed in reincarnation, and he had learned this not from Hinduism, or Buddhism as one might expect, but from Greek philosophy. That is to say, that there was already a seprate, rationalist tradition of reincarnation in the West, even in the first century B.C.


Woman: "Have you ever been abroad?"
Man: "I don't know if I've ever been a broad. Maybe hypnotism would help me remember if I was a woman in a former life."


i read his book few years ago on his experience and i'm convinced that what he described was his reality.. it's very thought provoking


It’s been three year since my brother passed away and I have also missed my dogs and family members have passed and I have been trying to find a answer to make sure I will see them again and that there ok 💔😢 and that the family I still have when the day comes that they will be happy, safe, at peace and seeing one another again some day So when my own time is coming to its end and to find peace with the fact that I’m going to die someday
