S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernoby - Как получить два артефакта «Душа»
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Мало кто знает как и где добыть артефакт душа, не 1 , а целых два, плюс кровь камня. На видео будет показано как преодолеть аномалии и добраться до артефактов. «Душа» — средней редкости артефакт, ускоряющий процессы метаболизма в организме человека. Очень редко попадается рядом с аномалиями «карусель». Найти такой артефакт удаётся лишь единицам, и мало кто его вообще видел. Он имеет приятную форму и не менее приятную цену.
How to get two Soul artifacts»Few people know how and where to get the soul artifact at the initial stage of the game, not 1, but two, plus the blood of the stone. The video will show you how to overcome the anomalies and get to the artifacts. "Soul" is a medium-rare artifact that accelerates the metabolic processes in the human body. It is very rare to come across a "carousel" near the anomalies. Only a few people manage to find such an artifact, and few people have ever seen it. It has a nice shape and an equally nice price.
How to get two Soul artifacts»Few people know how and where to get the soul artifact at the initial stage of the game, not 1, but two, plus the blood of the stone. The video will show you how to overcome the anomalies and get to the artifacts. "Soul" is a medium-rare artifact that accelerates the metabolic processes in the human body. It is very rare to come across a "carousel" near the anomalies. Only a few people manage to find such an artifact, and few people have ever seen it. It has a nice shape and an equally nice price.