The Timeline Of President Donald Trump And James Comey | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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Morning Joe breaks down 5 months of events in the Trump-Russia investigation timeline, from Sally Yates' warning about Michael Flynn to the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

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The Timeline Of President Donald Trump And James Comey | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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As a New Yorker, I sincerely apologize for sending our neighborhood thug to Washington. But hey, we did try to stop him.


I've been consumed by this story! I can't focus on anything else!!


Have a congressional hearing and have Comey testify under oath.


I know its an important event to report on....but man I seriously adore Mika


it really was only 4 It feels like a year. a dog year, actually


in the 80s, Steven Seagal taught us that NO ONE is Above the Law. His prescient words of wisdom shine true today just as bright as they did then.

It's also gonna be difficult for a white male to be president again after Trump's relentless ineptitude.


Nothing will make me happier than Trump being impeached and being able to laugh at all of his supporters.


Trump didn't even make it six months into his term without impeachment talk.


..can't stop thinking about SNL's Joe and Mika...


I believe his self importance and narcissism lead him to believe he could do anything even break the law.


*I was always taught to speak with intent and choose my words carefully* when conversing with someone or when i'm answering questions. Because the onus is on me, and no one else, to say what I mean and mean what I say. This was taught to be in my formative years. Trump was never taught of this by his parents, and it's apparent. Trump says whatever comes to his mind, without thought or deliberate purpose - and that is the sign of an unintelligent person, who gives little regard to the spoken word, with complete ignorance of impact of his words and meaning, not only in business and in life, but especially in politics and law, and now as the leader of our nation.

And for the better part of his life, trump had the great fortune to be in a family business where he could get away with this, with his staff and his lawyers translating and clarifying to others what he means to say, to keep him out of trouble and misgivings to others. And the fact that we live in a society where we're more forgiving of what a man says in public than before, where something offensive and unintelligent is often offset and diminished by the fact that it serves us some political or entertainment purpose, then we decide to let it happen. Late night talk show hosts, the press and the media, our elected politicians... all decided that we can let a man like trump go on, as long as we get something out of it.

Well, that fortunate set of circumstance has seemingly abruptly ended. Not that he understands this fully(still), but trump is finding out that in politics, everything you say indeed does matter, even if he was deluded at the beginning of his term when he mistook our inability to make sense of him either as as our approval of his behavior, or that he was outsmarting us with his intellect and business know how's. It's just that we've been very, very patient with this man child to do the right thing and act presidential, but now, we have decided, what he has been able to get away with is no longer acceptable to us, and we're gonna demand that what he says and means WILL have weight and accountability - legal accountability; IMPEACHABLE accountability. And going forward, we will NEVER again give this kind of leeway to the person in charge of the Office of the President ever again. We cannot. We MUST not. Ever.

It's ironic that, for a man who values greatly being covered by the cameras and the press, with his grandiosity and lying about crowd sizes and bringing his own staff to cheer for him when he speaks, what will bring him down in the end was a simple memo, written down on a small piece of paper using a pen, under unassuming and private circumstances.


this'll be a great movie in 10 years


in my granny voice "Oh Dear"


I'm so looking forward to seeing Donald Trump cry once this house of cards falls apart on him.


Donald Trump is an amazingly intelligent statesman. We are lucky that today the US is headed by a genius.


In a nutshell...what does this scandal mean?


I listened to the timeline. Two of the stories came from congressional hearings. 1) the FBI is investigating Trump and 2) Comey was nauseous. That's it. Months of hearings and almost nothing.

We can add the Yates hearing also, so maybe three, or maybe the hearing that debunked Trump's lies about wiretapping, so 4 max. That's pathetic.


Do you realize that nobody talks anymore of Obamacare or the Wall, Syria or North Korea, it's all about the Russia connection, are these issues still there!? Whats being done? So much damage done by this disastrous choice by American electors!


Also think of all the financial trickery with the Russian oligarchs along this timeline


Joe's videos way too short today of all days.
