$2.5M Verdict: Animated Knee Crushed and Replaced

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A security guard would undergo five reconstructive surgeries before having her knee completely replaced after a metallic gate crushed her leg on a Hollywood movie set. Olivier Taillieu, Esq., needed a strategic visual presentation to convey the catastrophically painful knee injury and the long list of surgeries she would need as a result.

We built Mr. Taillieu a custom Digital Injury Summary programmed with the following exhibits:

1) Illustrated Injury Summary to establish the plaintiff's damages in a way that visually humanized her brutal experience.

2) Colorized X-Rays to familiarize jurors with radiography by highlighting injuries and metal implants over black-and-white films.

3) 2D Animated Knee Surgeries to demonstrate the many reconstructive attempts that ultimately failed.

4) 3D Animated Knee Replacement to anchor the jury's understanding of this traumatic conclusion with a highly accurate 3D representation of this complex procedure.

5) Treatment Calendar Board to visually stack up the enormous number of treatments the plaintiff would need over three years as a result of the injury.

The presentation helped Mr. Taillieu return a $2.5M verdict to compensate his client for her painfully difficult experience.

"My understanding is that a $2.5M verdict for a knee replacement case is rare," said Olivier Taillieu, Esq. "High Impact, to me, maximized the potential recovery. I think seeing the extent of the surgeries and seeing what was involved in the surgeries really painted a good picture to the jury as to the extent of my clients injury - that it wasn't just a bad knee - that it was something far more involved than that."
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