Testing Equipment #15: The best racquets for players suffering with tennis elbow

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The majority of tennis players, both amateurs and professionals, have already experienced elbow pain in their lives, more commonly known as “tennis elbow”. It’s a discomfort that can quickly increase and prevent players from playing. In the latest episode of “Testing Equipment”, Seb Proisy explains how to choose the right racquet if you have pain in this area.

Choosing the right equipment will help reduce the pain and even make it go away. In this video, Seb Proisy advises players who suffer from tennis elbow to adopt a more flexible racquet that will more easily absorb some of the shock from the ball’s impact.

The weight of the racquet is also important. A racquet that is too light is also not good for the arm, which will tire very quickly and become fragile. A racquet with a little more weight will allow the arm to be supported during the movement until impact. The lighter the material, the greater the risk of injury,” Proisy says.

The type of racquet and its weight will have an influence on your arm, especially on your elbow. But the type of string you choose is also very important for pain relief. The most suitable string for players with tennis elbow is a soft string, like natural and synthetic gut.

“If you want to keep polyester strings, you should definitely try a hybrid configuration,” Proisy says. “In my case, simply switching to a hybrid setup was enough to reduce the pain in my tennis elbow.

Finally, he recommends the Head Gravity and the Wilson Clash, racquets known for their greater flexibility.

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This is one of the top recommended videos per tips and suggestions! Much thanks for the insight.


Thank you for this! I used to play a lot in junior high. My kids and I have recently begun hitting balls back and forth in the backyard. Unfortunately I'm now in my 40s and have auto immune disease which gives me joint pain. The racquet I've been using has been giving me pain after only 10-15min! So I'm on the hunt for a racquet that's easier on my joints.


The Prince Phantom line is also good for tennis elbow sufferers. The racquet head size also matters. Racquets with larger head sizes are more forgiving. The best strings for TE sufferers are natural gut and multifilament strings.


ProKennex rackets are the best for folks with arm issues.


Super excellent video! One question: I have a racket with really old poly strings (17 gauge Babolat Ballistic) and it’s very loose and trampoline like now after sitting for many years. I’m going to get the racket restrung with a technifibre x-one biphase 18 gauge, but will hitting a few hours with these really old strings in the meantime hurt my arm/elbow? Thanks again.


i had racquet with flex 56 string it with natural gut mains 320 grams, and give me tennis elbow to both my arms after 2 years when i had no problem, incredibile.


I dis-agree with your theory. I believe that if you have any arm, wrist issues, the stiffer the racquet the better. I've had elbow, shoulder and wrist issues and I switched to the stiffest I could find ( Dunlop LX800 stiffness @ 77 ), and issues solved. Also, you need to switch from poly stings to a multi filament string. You'll see, I'm right.


Actually, people will get way less elbow problems playing stiff rackets strung with low tension, rather than low stiffness rackets (so-called arm friendly) strung with very high tension.
