Why the CESSNA 172 Skyhawk is Excellent

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The introduction of the 172 was controversial as the 170 was a much-loved airplane, and the switch to tricycle gear was seen by some as a betrayal of tradition. Around the same time, Cessna also discontinued the taildragger 140 in favor of the all-metal tricycle gear 150. This certainly was a gamble for Cessna, ending production of popular, proven designs, but it was a gamble that paid off. The company’s new consumer airplanes, the 172 and 182, were tricycle gear designs that had long lives and prodigious production numbers while boasting two of the best safety records in light GA. Their production numbers speak for how well that equation worked for the flying public.
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I learned to fly mostly in 172's. Sure, it's not fast, sexy, or cutting edge; but it's well-balanced, forgiving, reliable, and it has a great safety record.


I owned a 1974 M model for 28 1/2 years. It was a great plane and I flew it all over the country. During ownership I obtained my A&P with IA so I could maintain it myself. Sold it with a high time engine as I couldn't afford another overhaul. But sure do miss it.


I did a lot of training in the 172 and found it great…ultra-predictable and reliable. I’m partial to the Piper Warrior (I find it even *more* friendly and predictable…plus, I’ve always been a low wing guy) but that takes nothing away from the 172’s obvious greatness. It’s a matter of preference and experience, really.


The Toyota Corolla of airplanes. I did my flight training in a Cessna 152 and 172. I flew a Piper Cherokee once but didn’t like it. In my opinion the wings obscures the ground view and it only has one door. The Cessnas are much more versatile.


One of the few planes that can fly with almost ZERO airspeed. My brother was a FI and commercial air taxi and he LOVED THE SKYHAWKS, Took me up dozens of times and whenever I saw the 172 sitting there gassed and ready I WAS ELATED cuz I knew I was coming back.


I debate that the 172 is the most popular trainer, the 150 by far is the most popular trainer because of cost. I owned a 172 and I love the aircraft.


The Cessna 172 is like the Honda Accord of the skies. Sure, it's nothing fancy, but it's arguably the best general aviation plane to own due to its reliability, solid engineering, comfort, and ease of flying. It's a well-balanced airplane that does well in all categories!


Did my Private Pilot training initially on a Cessna 150 then completed it along with Night Rating on a Cessna 172. Loved that airplane, it was easy to fly and land. It was the best for observation with the overhead wing design. Also flew Piper Cherokee, Beechcraft Tiger, Grumman, and a Mooney 201, along with Cessna, 182 and the Cessna 172 with retractable gear. The most enjoyable was always the 172. Cessna hit a home run with that airplane !! It's been over 25 years since I flew, but I bet I could hop in a 172 and fly it with some refresher study.


I’ve flown 172, Piper Cherokees, and Grumman AA5A. The 172 has utility, the Cherokee comfort (once in it), and the Grumman speed.
My l172 likes are the flaps, rough field ability, and Cessna support. 172 downside is you have to work the trim wheel like a madman with flaps...particularly on a touch and go. The cockpit is too narrow. I think the high wing worsens viz.
The Cherokees seems to me to be quieter, smoother, and roomier. Flaps decent. Stabile. Slightly faster. Downside is the single door.
If you want to get somewhere, go Grumman. AA5A handle and land fine, but require flying chock to chock...(a 172 =Chevy Impala and a AA5A = BMW.). They are very simple, probably 1/2 the parts of a 172. Downside..they are a ‘paved runway’ plane, the flaps are adornments, lower useful load, and no factory support. Cheers


I'm going for my intro flight this week. Your videos are so good and are really helping me prepare for it.


If you want a faster C 172, get a T-41. My favorite 172 was a rental that had manual flaps (E?); just pull and push-no waiting on flap deployment.


I love the 172, I got my PPL and first 500 flying hours in the 172 40 years ago. It looks like it's the same great plane.


Hmmm ... interesting video. If only the voice-over stressed, say, every tenth syllable rather than every second, it'd be a lot easier to listen to. IMHO, using the (non-professional) voice of a person who actually knows what they're talking about is so much more persuasive. The pitch and the prosody of a 30 sec commercial read is not sustainable over 22 mins.


I learned to fly in a 172. They’ll fly forever


So many learned on 150, so 172 is a relatively easy step up. Tough old bird that will go on for many years as a club / rental aircraft. When you qualify on 150 you can quickly convert to 172, then take three friends up.


The best and safest aircraft ever made.


Production is greatly appreciated greatly because of the Market the Price has got out of control and it’s creating the older models to be way above wholesale prices and now the 2021 up at $500 throughout 2023


My primary aircraft when learning. 152 backup.


It is a highly featured aircraft in the new Microsoft Flight simulator. And it contains full and complete Garmin support with the latest avionics. When you add cloud delivery of the entire planet in fully immersive 3D textures, and full VR support as well, it is correctly called "INSANE" by many FS enthusiasts around the world. Then a new but expensive VR headset comes pretty close to recreating actual human vision. Amazing stuff now and a future that is off the charts.


I’m flying a 1960 175 Skylark with the cruise prop and the plane always been Hangared
