Roy Orbison - THE COMEDIANS (live, extended version)

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►/ Technical audio processing & video, by: Darko, 10.02.2023
I sat there alone upon the Ferris wheel
A pastel colored carriage in the air
I thought you'd leave me dangling for a little while
A silly twist upon a childish dare
Below I saw you whispering to another man
Who held the lever that could bring me down
He'd stop the world from turning at your command
It's always something cruel that laughter drowns
And I'm up while the dawn is breaking
Even though my heart is aching
I should be drinking a toast
To absent friends
Instead of these comedians
I can hardly hear the music from the carousel
The wind picks up, the carriage starts sway
As one by one the lights go out
It's closing time
I see you take his hand and walk away
Walk away
They say that you will always be the last to know
They say that all that glitters is not gold
It's not just that you're never coming back to me
It's the bitter way that I was told
And I'm up while the dawn is breaking
Even though my heart is aching
I should be drinking a toast
To absent friends
Instead of these comedians.
Sedeo sam tamo sam na panoramskom točku
Kočiji pastelnih boja u zraku
Mislio sam da ćeš me ostaviti da visim neko vreme
Glupi preokret nad detinjastim izazovom
Ispod sam te vidio kako šapućeš drugom čoveku
Koji je držao polugu koja me je mogla srušiti
On bi sprečio da se svet okrene na tvoju komandu
Uvek je nešto okrutno što utapa smeh
A ja sam budan dok zora svane
Iako me srce boli
Trebalo bih da nazdravim
Odsutnim prijateljima
Umesto ovih komičara
Jedva da čujem muziku sa vrteške
Vetar se pojačava, kočija počinje da se ljulja
Jedno po jedno se gase svetla
Vreme je zatvaranja
Vidim da ga hvataš za ruku i odlaziš
Kažu da ćeš uvek zadnji saznati
Kažu da nije zlato sve što blista
Ne radi se samo o tome da mi se nikada nećeš vratiti
To je gorak način na koji mi je rečeno
A ja sam budan dok zora svane
Iako me srce boli
Trebalo bih da nazdravim
Odsutnim prijateljima
Umesto ovih komičara.
I sat there alone upon the Ferris wheel
A pastel colored carriage in the air
I thought you'd leave me dangling for a little while
A silly twist upon a childish dare
Below I saw you whispering to another man
Who held the lever that could bring me down
He'd stop the world from turning at your command
It's always something cruel that laughter drowns
And I'm up while the dawn is breaking
Even though my heart is aching
I should be drinking a toast
To absent friends
Instead of these comedians
I can hardly hear the music from the carousel
The wind picks up, the carriage starts sway
As one by one the lights go out
It's closing time
I see you take his hand and walk away
Walk away
They say that you will always be the last to know
They say that all that glitters is not gold
It's not just that you're never coming back to me
It's the bitter way that I was told
And I'm up while the dawn is breaking
Even though my heart is aching
I should be drinking a toast
To absent friends
Instead of these comedians.
Sedeo sam tamo sam na panoramskom točku
Kočiji pastelnih boja u zraku
Mislio sam da ćeš me ostaviti da visim neko vreme
Glupi preokret nad detinjastim izazovom
Ispod sam te vidio kako šapućeš drugom čoveku
Koji je držao polugu koja me je mogla srušiti
On bi sprečio da se svet okrene na tvoju komandu
Uvek je nešto okrutno što utapa smeh
A ja sam budan dok zora svane
Iako me srce boli
Trebalo bih da nazdravim
Odsutnim prijateljima
Umesto ovih komičara
Jedva da čujem muziku sa vrteške
Vetar se pojačava, kočija počinje da se ljulja
Jedno po jedno se gase svetla
Vreme je zatvaranja
Vidim da ga hvataš za ruku i odlaziš
Kažu da ćeš uvek zadnji saznati
Kažu da nije zlato sve što blista
Ne radi se samo o tome da mi se nikada nećeš vratiti
To je gorak način na koji mi je rečeno
A ja sam budan dok zora svane
Iako me srce boli
Trebalo bih da nazdravim
Odsutnim prijateljima
Umesto ovih komičara.