CGSR | Looking Ahead to China’s 20th Party Congress

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Abstract: Later this year, China will hold its 20th Party Congress—a major political event occurring every five years where leaders in the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) announce senior leadership changes and policy priorities. While experts expect President Xi Jinping to secure a third term, the fate of other key posts is less certain. Dr. Mertha will provide insight into probable outcomes and signposts to watch for ahead of the meeting. Will President Xi Jinping secure a third term and consolidate his power further by influencing the appointment of political allies to top positions? How might outcomes of the 20th Party Congress affect China’s domestic and foreign policies? Which policy areas will be highest on the CPP’s agenda?

Bio: Dr. Andrew Mertha is the George and Sadie Hyman Professor of China Studies, Director of the China Studies Program, and Director of the SAIS China Global Research Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). From 2019 to 2021, Dr. Mertha served as the Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs and International Research Cooperation at SAIS. He is formerly a professor of Government at Cornell University and an assistant professor of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Mertha specializes in Chinese bureaucratic politics, political institutions, and the domestic and foreign policy process.


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