Why Brazil is going crazy over this actress' Oscar nomination

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What do you mean you don't know Fernanda Torres? Our favorite nepobaby sweetheart of Slaps & Kisses fame just won a Golden Globe and might snag the first Oscar nomination for Brazil in over 25 years. Today I will tell you who is Fernanda Torres and why her Oscar nomination means so much for Brazil?

Today I have a wild story that involves the CIA, Harvey Weinstein, a military dictatorship and Gwyneth Paltrow. A political essay where I explore the soul of my country.

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📚 Chapters:
00:00 - Intro
01:52 - Part 1: The Fernandas
12:17 - Part 2: Come to Brazil
18:31 - Part 3: I'm Still Here

🎵 In this video you heard Isso Aqui O Que É, performed by the UFF OSN, and some samples by my friend Fefo Feitosa!
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I wasn't expecting such a massive response to this video, and I'm really, really happy to read all of your comments! I'm also moderating them all, because my channel is first and foremost a safe space for my community to talk and discuss about these important topics. To answer some of the most common questions, yes I'm Brazilian (I thought I made that super clear 😅) and this is a bit of an unusual video for my channel - but here we are always talking about gender, politics, and some of my personal interests (mainly Pokémon stuff). We usually fall into video-essay territory, but not always. I do videos about things I wanna talk about. This video is currently climbing the hype YouTube ranking, and reaching number 1 would be absolutely incredible, so please, do help by pressing the hype button!

Last but not least, if you enjoyed this video, I would like to recommend some complimentary watching (in Portuguese) that goes a bit deeper into what I talked about. Here they are:


I'm not even from Brazil, but my parents lived there for a while, so the mentioning of castelo ratimbum brought back some memories!


Sou uma gringa, o meu marido é brasileiro... Concordo que a cultura brasileira tem muito pra oferecer... Vale a pena aprender português pra desfrutar a música brasileira. ♥️ O meu português não é perfeito, mas me sinto muito afortunada por conhecer um pouco da cultura.


So I guess I was just one of many brazillians that clicked on this video thinking VAMOS VER O QUE A GRINGA VAI HABLAR that got hit with the unmistakable br-en accent

Amazing video btw, I may have cried a little 🥲


Fun fact: At the end of the video, she says she feels "Hate and Disgust". This is a reference to the speech of Ulysses Guimarães, whom inaugurated the new Federal Constitution after the end of the Military Dictatorship in 1988:

"A traitor to the Constitution is a traitor to the homeland... We know the cursed path: tearing up the Constitution, shutting the doors of Parliament, cheating freedom, sending patriots to prison, exile, or the graveyard. When, after so many years of struggle and sacrifice, we enacted the statute of man, freedom, and democracy, we proclaimed, by the imposition of its honor: We have hatred for dictatorship! Hatred and disgust!" (Ódio e Nojo à Ditadura)

It is one of the most important speeches (if not the main one) in Brazilian history.


im a linguistics student from australia. when i became enamoured by the culture, history and music of brasil, i began learning brazilian portuguese. after one year of learning i cant contain my love for the language and brasil as a whole. i’m so grateful to have learned so much about this side of the world.


When Fernanda Montenegro said: "A Latina! She could be Anywhere bellow Mexico." I felt that... Putting yourself in her shoes in 1999, where prejudice and xenophobia still spit on people, it's terrible to think that, despite all her efforts as a playwright, The place where you were born still screams louder...


Im from guatemala, i speak no portuguese. However, i commend Brazilians for their passion and their love of your culture. I will always root for you guys, the stories of the horrific crimes the cold war enacted on latin america must be heard. Lots of love (also, thanks for spoiling every wwii movie)


Hi! I'm from Portugal and I cheered soooo hard when Fernanda won the Globe! I hope she gets the Oscar! Brazil and Portugal, we share a language and parts of our culture; in school, we study Brazilian literature and our TV and radio often broadcast Brazilian works. Thanks to the internet and emigration, this culture interchange is stronger than ever and I think most people see it as a positive thing. I love my country dearly. We have an amazing history and culture and we're often disregarded, even though we had such a great impact on the globe (whether people think it's a good thing or a bad thing). You put into words a feeling that I've always felt about Portuguese culture: this desire to show others what they're missing out on. You articulated it perfectly, in fact. Maybe that's why the film resonated with me. I can't wait for it to come to cinemas over here, I've been dying to watch it since it came out! I think Portuguese people will love it once they see it. We also had a dictatorship in Portugal from 1933 to 1974 that made a lot of political prisoners, so this film speaks to our memory of oppression and censorship too. Thank you for making this video!


Montenegro was ROBBED in 1999 at the Oscars. The universe should correct this.


The last sentence she said in the video is a reference to "We hate and disgust the dictatorship" part of the historic speech that promulgated Brazil's last Constitution, and for me, this is art.


I think it’s important to say that it wasn’t just Fernanda Montenegro who got robbed at 1999 Oscars, but all the other nominees as well. I wouldn’t have minded if she had lost to Cate Blanchett or Emily Watson - two actresses who delivered performances just as amazing as Fernanda’s - or any other. But Gwyneth Paltrow was disrespectful to all the nominees. That’s the truth.


Less than 24 hours after the Award show, Tilda Swinton was given a Brazilian universal healthcare card just for having a positive reaction to Fernanda's win


Este filme me tocou profundamente, e me fez voltar aos meus tempos de infância/adolescência (ANOS 70). Minha família era muito semelhante aos Paiva, e na casa de praia de nossa família a trilha sonora era muito parecida com a do filme. Éramos 24 primos e vários tios e meus pais e meus avós. Cantávamos, dançávamos, jogávamos baralho e bingo...Meu avô era um pequeno empresário militante do partido trabalhista, e meu tio advogado que trabalhou no Gabinete de João Goulart em Brasília, ele fumava charuto, bebida whisky e cantava Dorival Caymmi, no microfone do aparelho de som ...Depois de interrogado e fichado no DOPS, meu tio foi aconselhado a evitar manifestações políticas. Minha mãe nos orientava a não discutir estes temas com estranhos. Já no início de 80 como líder estudantil, fui a Brasília várias vezes. Orientações de minha mãe, tio e avô sobre como lutar pela abertura política e participar no movimento Diretas já, foram importantes para mim. Viver a infância e adolescência num regime autoritário, disfarçado de liberal, foi um misto de satisfação por ser jovem e ter uma família progressista, e medo constante por ter consciência dos riscos, pois na vitrola a Gal nos falava:” É preciso estar ATENTO e FORTE”, e entendíamos o seu significado. Agora com o Bolsonarismo e crescimento da extrema direita, vendo esta tentativa de golpe e de assassinato do Presidente Lula, percebo que os riscos continuam. Nunca se iludam: ‘O Preço da Liberdade é a Eterna Vigilância”.


So, this video was ready YESTERDAY, before Fernanda won the best actress award at the Golden Globes! I tried to delay the video to edit that in, but I got a copyright claim from the Golden Globes, so unfortunately the clip is not here. I think the message of the video stays stronger than ever, and now the Oscar chances are even higher! GO FERNANDA <3


4:41 "The expression on Meryl Streep's face is like: 'There's something wrong, what's happening? Why Gwyneth? Who? What? How? Where? When? Get me out of here!!'"


Glen Close once said it was strange when Paltrow won over "that amazing actress from Central Station" when asked about credibility in Academy


"I would like to thank Harvey Weinstein" really was the cherry on the cake


Yes, we're still here. I'm seventy yo. I'm Brasilian, I had my Campus (UnB) seiged by the Army. And, we're still here. Thank you a lot. Brasilian Culture deserves being a little bit known abroad. And, the "statue" would be better respected here, because It means a lot for us. Thank you!!!


Eu cliquei pensando "vamo vê as ideia da gringa", e assim que ouvi o sotaque latino já me senti em casa! Excelente vídeo!

Atualização: terminei de assistir aos prantos!
