my new favourite MIDI controllers - Intech Studio Grid

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***To be clear on my comment re: the MIDIFighter. You can change the CC value on the MIDIFighter Twister, but the MIDIFighter 3D/64 have fixed MIDI Note outputs.

I post all of the music I make, including WAV stems; sample packs; Dirtywave M8 song bundles; collections of video textures; early access to videos; and a whole pile of other stuff on Patreon. I know I know, I hate doing this as well, but if you like what I do and want to get more of it, while also helping me offset some of my ludicrous gear purchases, this is the best place to do it:

and a whole pile of other stuff...

Get in touch for possible collabs/offers of large sums of money, etc: allmyfas at gmail
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