Arturia MINILAB 3 VS Akai MPK Mini Mk.3 - Which MIDI Keyboard should YOU choose?

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🎹 Arturia MiniLab 3 👇

🎹 AKAI MPK Mini Mk3👇

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The MIDI Keyboard shootout you've been waiting for is here! In this video we take a look at two of the most popular 25-key mini Midi Keyboards: Arturia's new Minilab 3 and Akai's famous MPK Mini MK3. Both of these midi controllers cost right around $100 and they're about as different as they are similar. Let me know in the comments below which keyboard is your favorite! Enjoy!

#minilab3 #mpkmini #midikeyboard

Minilab 3 deeper dive👇

Which MPK is right for you? 👇

0:00 Minilab 3 vs. MPK mini mk3
0:27 Key Bed
1:28 Drum Pads
2:35 Mini Display
3:28 Arpeggiator
4:11 Pitch & Modulation
4:45 Other Controls
5:16 Knobs & Faders
5:43 Connectivity
6:20 Build, Size & Price

The Gear I’m Using in my Studio 🔊🎵👇

The Gear I use to make my videos 🎥👇

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Man, if only Minilab laid out the drum pads the way MPK mini did.


The Arturia looks to be a more refined and minimalistic product in its design - something I really like. The Akai comes off as more raw, technical.


Great video. Fair comparison. I agree with the points you made here. I own both controllers and, for me, the key differentiator is DAW compatibility. I have struggled with getting the Akai MPK Mini Mk3 fully operational in Logic Pro. When I saw that the Minilab 3 had a Logic-specific script I jumped on it and was immediately pleased by the full integration and with how much information the software gave me. It’s exactly what I’ve wanted and needed from Akai but don’t see forthcoming. While I prefer the build and aesthetics of the Akai I am sure it will only gather dust since I’m getting so much more out of the Arturia hardware. // I will also add that I’m quite happy with the Minilab 3’s pads (feel, not layout). For my play style the ML3 pads are perfect (again, ignoring pad size and layout). The Akai pads seem to be prone to double taps and proximity strikes (basically, when you apply enough force to a pad that an adjacent pad also responds). I have not experienced that with the ML3. This is my first ever Arturia hardware and if the rest is this smooth I can see more in my future.


I really like that you broke down the review into the differences of each feature. I didn't even think about what features might matter to me when looking for a midi controller but now I know that I definitely want the minilab 3!


Minilab 3 is awesome. Employee at guitar center reccomended it to me when i was about to purchase the akai and was feeling indecisive . For only 10 dollars more I get features that are worth a million to me. The only issue I have personally had with it is the pads feel a little hard but I use the faders often which is a feature I really like .


your review was perfect!. I am going for the Arturia MINILAB 3


Got so tempted when i first saw the minilab 3 come out! I love how it looks and the arp and chord features in it.


Thanks, Arturia is more my style plus the keybed is very important for me, Buying Arturia MINILAB 3 now, thanks so much for this great review.


This video is extremely helpful. I'm primarily a guitarist, but looking to get more into looping with Ableton. Your review helped me add an item to my Christmas wish list.


Dude! Great review. Just what I needed to watch. I heard the software package with the Arturia was worth the price of admission. Consider this making your next video sir.


One step closer to become a great musician thanks to this guy❤


Looking to get the ML3. Arturia’s software support has been excellent recently. Thanks for the comparison!


Thats the comparison I needed to watch.. :) Thank you!


I appreciate the time you took to make this. There used to be so much to learn getting into electronic music and while I’d like to get some hardware synth one day my budget seems to be limited to these and I’m super excited peace bro ^^


Nice comparison, thanks! I've been trying to decide between the 2 and you've helped me I've settle on the ML3.


Patrick, I think the Minilab 3 is more user friendly and it s Abelton Live mappings works so well, .its my new goto controller. Looks like my Akai mini play and the Akai mini plus will be replaced by Arturia. Looking at the new Keylab 49 next. Thanks again for your review! Dave


That's what I was searching for. Thank you


I was having trouble deciding which of the two to buy, but the video helped me a lot! Thank you!


I think the mini lab is more solid. The Akai looks fun but that joy stick might break easy. I'd love a mini lab.


Great video, thanks! Minilab 3 is amazing! It just bothers me that don't have a "physical" pitch control.
