The speed of light explained in 3 minutes

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Ever imagined what it would be like to travel to the edge of the universe at the speed of light?

In this episode we will shortly explore the nature of light and its capacity

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is it me or did that have just about nothing to do with the speed of light. Tons of gibberish and not much on the point...


please remember! *** light-speed in a VACUUM*** is the proper one, shortened, so peeps get confused... It IS slower in air, water, crystal...


My wife moves at about 10% the speed of light when Jersey shore comes


Actually this video did not explain anything about the speed of light, except pointing out how long it takes to distant destinations.


Sorry but this is the most useless video about the explanation of the speed of light I've ever watched. You just told us over and over again how slow the speed of light is over far distances.


0:19 narrator is heard saying "over one billion miles per second". Close Caption shows it as "one million miles per second".

180, 000 Miles/s
180, 000 miles/s x 60 secs = 10, 800, 000 miles per minute
180, 000 miles/s x 3600 secs = 648, 000, 000 miles per hour

60 seconds = 1 minute
3600 seconds = 1 hour

If you consider space to be all that can possibly exists, then consider... it takes even light a long time to travel the distance of "everything that can possibly exist". Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Energy in the electromagnetic spectrum travel also travel at the "speed of light" (or electromagnetic energy) radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays, etc.

Speed of light is in comprehensively fast for most people.

1% of light speed is about 1, 800 miles per second. If you were travelling from LAX to DCA, you would be somewhere near south Ohio. It would be like teleporting. Literally, in 1 second, you'd be in LAX and then in Ohio.

That's 1/100th the speed of light.


If the light waves from the sun were 8 minutes and 20 seconds in a past dimension of Einstein's space-time then people on Earth are just imagining the infrared warmth of the sun coming up on the horizon. The communications delay between Earth and Mars is approximately 20 minutes. We're either viewing the light from Mars in the future, Einstein's past dimensions of space-time or in real time, which do you think is more logical? Einstein's relativity is wrong light has no limitation of speed; it cannot be slowed down because it isn't moving. From every vantage point in the universe light is traveling in both directions. Light and electromagnetic waves are independent of each other. According to Einstein's relativity-time dilation's, photos taken of the Earth from the Discovery Space station traveled from the past to the future violating the laws of physics, conservation of energy and common sense. According to Einstein's projectile light particle proton light has a (constant speed) of 186, 000 miles per second moving through spacetime, but if light has a (constant speed) then moving clocks cannot run slow through spacetime! :-)

The speed of light according to Einstein's relativity is 186, 000 miles per second, but according to physics if two mechanical watches were synchronized on earth and one traveled across the universe and back, there would be no difference in time between the mechanical watches proving the speed of light is instantaneous as the only way a mechanical watch will run slow is if you tighten the main spring. Big Bang, Einstein's relativity-time dilation and nearly all of science debunked. Using optical clocks, lasers and GPS to prove Einstein's time dilation-space-time curvature is like using a metal detector to find gold at Fort Knox. The closer you are to the electromagnetic fields, mass and gravity of the earth the more light bends aka gravitational lensing. If the speed of light is constant then past and future dimensions of spacetime and an expanding universe would not be possible, obviously destroying the twins paradox as each twin cannot move faster or slower than the other. A mirror is a wave reflector that flips images from left to right, but according to Einstein the images you see are the result of projectile light particle photons being transported into past and future dimensions of space-time. Explain how particle light photons can re-converge their molecular structures in mirrors and how this is done without violating the law of conservation of energy.

From every vantage point in the universe light is traveling in all directions (forwards and backwards through Einstein's space-time) while violating the law of conservation of energy. Explain how Einstein's projectile light particle proton can travel all directions having a (constant speed) of 186, 000 miles per second. Einstein would have made a great used car salesman :-). Light waves can stretch, bend-curve and occupy a state of superposition, whereas the hypothetical Einstein projectile light particle (photon), a particle that has never been observed cannot. Unlike a TV or computer monitor the images we are viewing in the universe are in real time, not a series of frames that create the appearance of a moving image. There are no DCU digital convergence circuits in space yet Einstein's disciples believe the light and moving images they see in the universe aren't really there, they're just video recorded images of the past 13.8 billion years. You could lead a cult to water, but you can't make them think. Neither time, energy nor mass can create itself into nothing, reside in nothing or expand into nothing simply because nothing has no properties. Time and space are independent of each other, not material bodies or fantasy unions that magically stretch Time, energy, and matter like a rubber band into space-time dimensions.

Einstein's projectile light particle proton has a (constant speed) of 186, 000 miles per second moving through spacetime and because so wavelengths of light cannot stretch through spacetime! Red-shifts are simply the result of decelerating electrons, as moving electrons of charged electromagnetic waves-light travel through the plasma of the universe each lump (or "quanta") of energy in the electromagnetic waves are charged then discharged to the next lump, eventually the energy dissipates causing the delay in radio communications giving the appearance of time dilation - longer wavelengths in red shift. Will the James Webb Telescope view the birth of the first galaxies? Nope, the universe goes on to infinity. Neither time, the atom, energy nor mass can create itself into nothing, reside in nothing or expand into nothing simply because nothing has no properties. The James Webb Space Telescope is not a time machine, you can’t travel back in time to view the beginning of the universe with telescopes that were made in the future :-). Light and electromagnetic waves are independent of each other. If science uses Einstein's wrongly theorized speed of light like an odometer to calculate past dimensions of distance and time, then using that same method to calculate forward dimensions of distance and time would mean the Big Bang was created and expanded in the future before time existed. Unlike a television or computer monitor the images we are viewing in the universe are in real time, not a series of still image frames that hypothetical Einstein projectile light particles photons create to give us the appearance of a moving image :-).

The speed of electromagnetic wave is 186, 282 miles per second vs Einstein's projectile light particle proton at 186, 000 miles per second. Is this a coincidence or did Einstein plagiarize yet another phenomenon to fit the math of relativity? Electromagnetic waves in space can neither slow down or speed up, this is consistent with the law of conservation of energy. If light slowed down, its energy would decrease, thereby violating the law of conservation of energy so the speed of light is instantaneous and cannot travel slower than it does. If Einstein's projectile light (particle photon) had mass it's light could not travel across the universe, high speed particles traveling at 186, 000 miles per second would break the Hubble and James Webb telescope mirrors, debunking the speed of light, Big Bang, Einstein's relativity and any science that uses relativity in their theories. Everyone knows cell phone electromagnetic radio waves travel both ways, yet Einstein's disciples believe time energy, mass and light can only travel one way back in time. If you simply run the Big Bang theory in reverse you reveal the insanity of Einstein's relativity and Big Bang theory. If the expansion of the Big Bang were true, time, energy, mass and light would be in the future from the vantage point of an expanding singularity-Big Bang and planet Earth would now reside in a past dimension of Einstein's time dilation (moving clocks run slow) space-time 13.8 billion years ago :-). From every vantage point in the universe light is traveling in both directions (forwards and backwards through Einstein's space-time) while violating the law of conservation of energy. Explain how Einstein's projectile light particle proton can travel in both directions having a (constant speed) of 186, 000 miles per second :-)

It's truly amazing how the science and politics of the left are able to keep people denying reality, there are no DCU digital convergence circuits in space, yet Einstein's disciples believe the light and moving images they see in the universe aren't really there, they're just recorded images of the past 13.8 billion years. Pretending not to notice the gross contradictions-pseudoscience in Relativity is typical of Einstein's disciples, devaluing the source of any information that's in contradiction with their beliefs-theories. You could lead a cult to water, but you can't make them think. If the light from the universe travels to past dimensions of time then it's light is also traveling into future dimensions of time (instantaneously). “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” a state of superposition where time and gravity run inwardly, outwardly, in all directions in the same time frame, similar to the electromagnetic field having no beginning and no end.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" Revelation 22:13. Disciples, remember thy 1st commandment, thou shalt not question thy lawgiver of relativity for blasphemers are the devil's pawn. Let thee not dwell in dissension of our Lord Albert, shun them, drive them back to their jungle lair amen. Albert Einstein, an autistic violinist patent clerk that had access to more papers than Suzanne Somers litter box yet creates theories with more bugs than Terminix- Magnetron


The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299, 792, 458 meters per second (m/s), which is an incredibly fast speed. This constant, known as c, is a fundamental physical constant and has been measured with high precision in numerous experiments. In practical units, the speed of light is about 186, 000 miles per second (mi/s) or 670, 616, 629.29 kilometers per hour (km/h). This speed is so fast that it's often used as a standard for measuring other speeds, such as the speed of sound or the speed of electromagnetic radiation. However, it's important to note that the speed of light is not attainable by any physical object, as it's the maximum possible speed in the universe according to Einstein's theory of special relativity.s), which is an incredibly fast speed. This constant, known as c, is a fundamental physical constant and has been measured with high precision in numerous experiments. In practical units, the speed of light is about 186, 000 miles per second (mi/s) or 670, 616, 629.29 kilometers per hour (km/h). This speed is so fast that it's often used as a standard for measuring other speeds, such as the speed of sound or the speed of electromagnetic radiation. However, it's important to note that the speed of light is not attainable by any physical object, as it's the maximum possible speed in the universe according to Einstein's theory of special relativity.


Could someone tell me how one observer would see the light if the source of it was running in the opposite direction with the speed of the light???? One would see nothing???


From gamma waves to radio waves, these electromagnetic radiation travels at same speed of light.

Wave lengths of gamma rays are hardly an atom, while radio waves are as long as football fields.

We can only pick up a small segment of em waves, that we see as light, from the longer red waves to the shorter violets. In this sequence, red orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.

Now, the objective here is to explain why the full spectrum of em waves travel at same speed. And, to extend this explanation to understand why time dilated, relative to our speed.

Whats missing is what's now being identified as the wave path. Changes of the em energy trigger the scope of the spectrum frequencies by varying wavelengths. The full spectrum of the em waves, moves at the same speed.

Wave impulses do not travel in a straight line, from A to B, as a particle would. But follow the path of the wave pattern. Wave patterns of every frequencies differ. The higher the em energy, the shorter the wave length, the longer the wave path.

Wave impulses move along the respective wave path, hugging along the waves path pattern. The speed of the wave impulse (not speed of wave) varies proportionately with the em energy generated. Such that gamma rays is highest, while that of radio waves are lowest. Such that the wave impulses of gamma rays move fastest, while that of radio waves, move slowest.

The wave impulse of gamma rays, with highest em energy, are moving the fastest, but it has a longer wave path to cover.

While, the wave impulse of radio waves with lowest em energy are moving slowest. Then it has the shortest wave path to cover, and reaches point B at same time of the gamma rays.

So, the conclusion is, both gamma rays n radio waves, along with the full scope of the em energy spectrum, move at the same speed. The speed of light.

I hv percieved in wave path as part of wave mechanics.


So my flashlight is traveling at the speed of light?


The speed of light! Which light is fastes, the red or blue. As i know the ligthwave in the blue is shorter than the red. Do the blue travel longer than the red? If it the case the speed of light must be faster in the blue light!


Question. Einstein asked 'if you are travelling at the speed of light and you looked into a mirror, would you see your reflection'? If you are travelling at the speed of light, and blew your cookies, where would they go?


If you had a very long stick that stretched from the Earth to the Moon. If you pushed it from the Earth end, would the Moon end move instantly or 1.5 seconds later?


Einstein would disagree with you. The speed of light cannot be measured in a two way fashion. The best we can do is measure the bend speed of light as it passes through gravitational pull.


What is faster, A shadow or light? The answer will change the way we travel in the future


How can you MEASURE the SPEED OF LIGHT ??
Has it been done ?


This is a 14 year old trying to understand all this complex stuff
. _ .
I’m curious OK ... but I still don’t get it


But does anyone know what the speed of dark is?


The speed of light is not more than 1 billion mph.... how stupid is this video. You brought up a subject and you botched it severely.... jeez 👎👎👎
