Why is speed of light the same (c) in all frames? (An intuitive explanation)

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Why is the speed of light the same in all reference frames? Let's rediscover the thought experiments that led Einstein to his special theory of relativity
00:00 Introduction
01:15 1/3 Detect motion with particles? (Thought experiment)
04:01 Inertia doesn't allow detecting constant velocity motion
06:18 2/3 Detect motion with waves? (Thought experiment)
09:18 Medium doesn't allow detecting constant velocity motion
10:15 Constant velocity motion is RELATIVE!
11:02 3/3 Detect motion with light? (Thought experiment)
13:12 Does light break relativity?
13:46 Michelson & Morley's experiment (oversimplified)
14:20 The logical conclusion - Speed of light is same in all frames
15:32 Discovering time dilation & length contraction
19:59 Summary
00:00 Introduction
01:15 1/3 Detect motion with particles? (Thought experiment)
04:01 Inertia doesn't allow detecting constant velocity motion
06:18 2/3 Detect motion with waves? (Thought experiment)
09:18 Medium doesn't allow detecting constant velocity motion
10:15 Constant velocity motion is RELATIVE!
11:02 3/3 Detect motion with light? (Thought experiment)
13:12 Does light break relativity?
13:46 Michelson & Morley's experiment (oversimplified)
14:20 The logical conclusion - Speed of light is same in all frames
15:32 Discovering time dilation & length contraction
19:59 Summary
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