Atheist Asks WHY Can God Set The Rules?

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How does God's existence lead to the fact that he can set rules that we must follow? Ryan tackles this question posed by this atheist.

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Don’t forget that a creator would not want his creation to be abused or misused.
Additionally, when you think about it, the rules are also for our benefit.


Your creator can set rules. We are just mere dust compared to the Lord, fear the Lord for he is Almighty & All powerful. We dont deserve to live because we have sinned & that sin is poisoning us & its making our world fall apart. Jesus is the resurrection & the life & he took that poison from us


All his rules are for our societies good! Think deep and meditate on it!🙏


not just that, but God DESERVES to make the rules, he is that just, that good, and that wise


It's out of care we have rules. Not having sex before marriage can save heart ach, unrealistic expectations, stds, etc. I had sex before marriage with multiple partners and I regret it. It has only brought pain for temporary pleasure


One big thing is that you are not forced to live after any rules, I mean you can clearly see this at the way how fucked this world is.

The rules we gor from god are not meant to restrict us in any way, but to see it in a different way.
If anyone of us human beings would live after those rules, and after gods word we would have a perfect live.


he wasn't saying god didn't have the authority to give the rules, he was pointing out how there is no apparent reason for him to make that rule. per your analogy, it would be making the chair and saying, "no jumping over the chair on a thursday night before dinner"


Also God makes rules about sex because it can destroy a person if sex isn't used wisely. God is protecting mankind, both men and women.


You know what’s an even bigger stretch…everything we have today came from nothing


The issue with this is that we dont have any other choice but to live in his universe. A better analogy would be if I were to build a house and force a bunch of people to live in it against their will, and if they don't follow my rules, they get tortured.


Praise the Lord all the glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ amen 🙏 good explanation brother keep on doing God message about Jesus Christ so that special those who don't know about what God have done for them, some people are difficult to understand but you are so much patience for them to understand, you are good at explain and never give up.God bless you brother


Why weren’t these rules placed by god during Ancient Greek and ancient Egypt times, or even further back?


I mean, just because a Creator can set rules, doesn't automatically mean that those rules are good. I can say that you can only sit on the chair I made if you cut off your finger first, but that wouldn't be a good rule. A father can also make horrible rules for the children that he has raised and fed. I don't like simply defining good as whatever character traits God happens to have...


Whether or not you believe in The Bible, sex before marriage is still morally and sensibly wrong. There is a plethora of reasons as to why all of God’s laws are true, even without a Bible.


me killing all the fungus i just grew in a petri dish because it wont stop reproducing (they werent married)


So i'm an object for god to do with as he pleases and have no agency or right over my own being?
More importantly, how did you make the jump from "there has to be a creator" to "and it is my specific creator"?
Has any theist ever explained why god isn't Vishno or Thor or Zeus?


jesus teaches to love ur enemy and hate ur family


That’s terrible reasoning. First of all, even if you can prove that it’s a creator at the beginning of the universe, you still have the prove that it’s your specific deity and what your holy book says about it is accurate. Second, if you make a chair, you have authority over it, however if you make a human, a child, you only have authority over them until a certain point at which time they’re developed enough to think for themselves. Once they turn 18, you don’t actually have any authority over them aside from what authority they allow you to have, which can be revoked at any time. Finally, it’s also a fallacious argument from authority. Just because your deity supposedly made us doesn’t actually mean that we have to do what it says. It sounds like the only reason you do what it says is because it’s more powerful than you.


Ugh do you hear how he justifies obedience control it’s all about control. And it’s all man made


i identify as god my pronouns are alpha and omega
