She Is Top Tier! Prydwens NEW Tier List For Wuthering Waves!

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Changli is queen

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I also chose Calcharo as my free 5* but people's "doom & gloom" for Calcharo is because of what I equate to is: his combo is too long to remember. While yes, there are other Main DMG dealer type units in the game with shorter "Bread & Butter" combos; Calcharo has a standard 14 "hit" (it's inputs) combo which involves just mixing his Resonance skill (which can be used twice before cooldown) in between his Basic ATK patterns at certain points for in fighting game terms: a 50-50 mix (all units have this potential but he & Jinhsi excels at it). Most players just button mash or do set combos (Basic ATK 1-5 then Resonance skill or Resonace Liberation with Echo summon mixed in here or there); the normal Calcharo's 14 "hit" combo every guide will say to do is just: Basic ATK 1-4, Resonance skill, Basic ATK 1-3, Resonance skill again, then Basic ATK 1-5(combo done), then Resonance Liberation to reset and start the combo again in his "War Dog" form or use the Echo summon to extend the combo (I personally recommend Thundering Mephis) then Resonance Liberation to reset & start the combo again. Technical yes; hard to learn maybe; but if players can fight the urge to just button mash and think creatively to utilize the combat combo system, then Calcharo is a good character to dish out decent DMG with. But he's been benched for me anyways because I'm running Changli (Calcharo's replacement), Yinlin, & Jinhsi as my current team (I pulled Changli, so bye bye Calcharo; it's been nice knowing ya)


I have s3 calcharo and even though im clearing tower with him its not easy at all, he doesnt feel stronger than my yinlin lol


s2 Changli is crazy good. Very fun character to play


i got 1 copy of changli and her sig wep. im hella debating if i wanna get more copies of her. ive only spend 20 bucks and the monthly/BP
