John MacArthur CAUGHT IN A LIE!

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John MacArthur has been caught in a lie. He and Grace Community Church recently withdrew their facilities from the Gospel Coalition's fall conference in an effort to show their "disagreement" with them. But this whole thing is a scam.
Pulpit and Pen, Wretched Radio, Pirate Christian Radio and Grace to You are all covering up this lie out of reasons of self preservation. They are here being exposed for their fraudulent activity and what Spurgeon called a, "conspiracy of silence."
MacArthur is embracing and partnering with men who push a Marxist and ecumenical agenda while seemingly disparaging those notions. From Tim Keller to Trip Lee, John MacArthur is embracing heresy despite any words to the contrary. These unbiblical alliances are rightly called "confederacies in evil."

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You can defend these men and say "nobody's perfect" but you never hear these men confessing this themselves


Put your faith in God and His word not teachers and preachers and you won't be deceived. Follow Jesus not men. Thats the problem too many are following men and not The Holy Spirit.


And man, I just seriously feel like your entire angle of critique is flawed. With your reasoning, if I get on a bus with a terrorist, I am then also a terrorist by association. It's absurd. Sure, if I start doing terrorist things then feel free to rebuke me but MacArthur is one of the best expository preachers I've seen and I've seen a lot. Maybe you should spend more of your time spreading the true gospel message or focused on actual doctrine and theology instead of all of this association and conference gossip.


Johnny Mac denied the literal meaning of the Blood of Christ.


A hymn to Lucifer is being sung every Holy Saturday in the Vatican.


Have you ever heard John MacArthur preach the gospel? First Corinthians 15:3-4 That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that HE was buried an rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures.

That when we believe that gospel we are sealed by the Holy Spirit, (born of God) unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30 In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also AFTER ye believed, ye were sealed by that Holy Spirit of promise. And grieve not the Holy Spirit in whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

John MacArthur preaches a false gospel of works salvation. Not the free gift of God by faith alone in Christ alone. All false teachers add works to grace which is no longer grace but works Romans 11:6 Romans 4:5.

Matthew 7:21-23 Many shall come before me on that day and call me Lord, but have not done the will of my Father. Lord, lord, what about all our good works? We prophesied in thy name, we cast out demons in thy name, and did many wonderful works in thy name. And Jesus says to them, depart from me ye that work iniquity, I never knew you. Not I did know you and now I don't, I never knew you..

Why did Jesus say that? He tells us in the first verse. They did not do the will of my Father. What is the will of His Father? John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that all that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have eternal life, and I will raise Him up on the last day.

John MacArthur preaches everything but grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, and we all sin, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The GIFT is eternal life when we believe it. Faith is not the GIFT.

First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.


We can't ignore Spiritual Warfare here people! The enemy will infiltrate this forum as well. Stay vigilant and firm not wavering from the truth! I was a faithful follower of John MacArthur, but the Lord had other plans for me. I also followed the likes of RC Sproul and John Piper (and all the greats!). My spirit was in agony over these teachings. I even evangelized for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the the false doctrine of the five points of Calvinism. My good friend and I were listening to the 'pastor' preach on John Calvin and she said, "Jesus died on the cross, not John Calvin!" That was it for me...I was done and now I'm grateful that the Lord pulled me out of the quagmire! I am free in Christ enjoying the benefits of the Gospel being preached from faithful followers of the Word and NOT man. Thank you Servus Christi. Keep up the good work. It must be perceived in love and not judgement. Thankfully, God is in charge of the judgement.


I want to say Pastor John MacArthur is a great man and servant of Christ. He is not a Pharisee but a true man of The Lord Christ. As the word says, “ Faith without works is dead." I simply say he is a man who teaches the doctrine according to correct teaching like other great men like R. C. Sproul.


Just curious. Do you have any videos on your channel that build up the body of Christ?


I dont care what man blames another man for what he calls sin. I have heard nothing but TRUTH come from John McArthur. And i gained understanding from that truth. God speaks thru him. And Christ is in him. He is one of the last preacher who hold true to scripture.


SC, thank you for sharing - keep up the good work. Sadly, its our human nature to put man on a pedestal! MacArthur, Piper and the like are no exception. What are your thoughts on Peters? I do not espouse Calvinism as a perfect standard, i.e., ne plus ultra, that aside; Peters work on exposing the current false gospel, signs and wonders movement is invaluable.


This dude is a Fault finder, John MacArthur is solid....What does this dude do in his life??? Besides tryna make videos talking about everyone else...


It seems real obvious that 2000 years ago (+ -) the narrator/'author' for 'Servus Christi' would be doing exposés on the Apostles and the churches of that time, in an effort to establish his own shtick. I have been a SAVED believer for 45+ years. I know the Scriptures at least as well as the narrator/'author' of this 'Servus Christi' outfit. And I have been blessed by a variety of teachers. What those teachers are about in their hearts is between them and God (Phil. 1:15-18). Nevertheless, I have no right to barge into a service (FILLED WITH GOD'S CHILDREN AND SEARCHING LISTENERS) and spew my pet garbage before a bunch of people whom God has quite probably directed to be there in order to glean the good things that Dr. MacArthur will bring forth (for their examination of and freely accepting or rejecting) from God's word. [I couldn't even understand a word that intruder in your current introductory video, "The False "Church System" Deception",  was yelling!]

But I will tell you with all confidence and authority that God's perfectly reliable Holy Spirit - and not some nameless weirdo throwing conspiracy theories at gullible listeners on YouTube - is the Author and Finisher of our faith. And it is GOD'S responsibility to lead His children to those who will best feed them. And as far as characters like this who are essentially declaring (as did other weirdoes like Joseph Smith) that the gates of hell have prevailed against God's church (of believers) for all these centuries ... Well, it just ain't so. Why? Because, as He said, "My sheep KNOW MY VOICE - and another one they WILL NOT follow (John 10:27).

If God can speak to a bad prophet like Balaam, THROUGH A DONKEY,  Jesus is quite capable of using even a CLOWN like 'Joel Holstein' to say things of benefit to young believers. If people get burned in bad teaching, it's because they either aren't God's children - or they needed to be taught to listen and better identify His guiding voice. And God is faithful to do that. It is a CRYING SHAME that the church and teachers are getting so far off track - and they certainly are. But God will NEVER allow a single one of His sheep to perish because of that or any other reason. Let's see if you leave this visible, 'Servus Christi'. And I entirely welcome your rebuttal.


I shall pray for you young brother, for I know how draining it can be, to expose Satan and his works amongst the organized religious system. God bless you.


Revelation 18:4, "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her (churches), my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."


You never see Charles Lawson at these conferences. Great Work. Thank you


I am continually amazed and saddened when I come across the mass suspicion and arguments within the so called Christian church. Why are there so many individuals who believe it is there calling to continually expose - and before you come back at me, I do know we are meant to keep alert for not being taken in by false teachings! I do also know that there are many guys out there writting books that are a way off the mark. Some Christians seem to prefer to read books rather than Gods Word. Satan is laughing at all of this as he continues to stir hatred and discontent among Gods people - we are so easily taken in by his deceptions. When we expose one person we are in fact saying 'you are wrong and I am right!' We act like we alone have all the truth and all you other guys are wrong. We keep doing this - why? Folks let us put more effort into putting on YouTube about going out to seek the lost - how to wins souls for Christ etc etc. None of us have all the truth so stop acting like we do. I sincerely pray in the name of Jesus that we all put our efforts into coming against satans kingdom, binding the strong men and get into the gutters and pull out those who at the moment are heading to a lost eternity. C'mon folks stop all this nonsense - if these men are so wrong, they will answer to Jesus - you keep focused on our commission.


John MacArthur is a gifted teacher of the Word of God for over 40 years and is not by any stretch a perfect man as there are no perfect men. The spirit of sarcasm by which you expose or should I say "demean" godly men is shameful. you do well in picking bible verses that bolster your argument so here's one for you to ponder... Galatians 6:1 Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted End Quote. I can only wonder what happened to you that caused that Root of Bitterness to grow in you, I can hear it in your voice and sense it in your attitude 12:15 See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;. End Quote. in Reality you are defiling people against a good man of God.

You Articulate Hateful Words full of Poison. Repent brother God will Judge not you. And God will Judge every word that comes out of your mouth.


John MacArthur has been a pastor for nearly 50 years.... He has a massive body of work that is publicly accessible to everyone.... And this is all you got? Seriously... what is your motive? You have been trying to tear down men like Piper, Washer and now MacArthur....They are not perfect nor do they claim to be.... I can not imagine the spiritual warfare that these men and there families about we pray for them.... We are called to love and edify our brethren....

Perhaps you have unrealistic expectations from these men... Perhaps social media has elevated these men into something they are not.... No one is perfect... we are all fallible... This is why we need a savior.

I have listened to John MacArthur extensively.... There are some things I disagree on.... I was disappointed in the Strange Fire conference.... I don't like his stance on speaking in tongues. But it's not going to make me break fellowship with him and stop listening to his teachings. God will never reveal all things to one man.... we must be fallible to keep us humble.

They are teachers... and God has gifted them in different areas with different abilities to reach different people.

With all due respect... you seem like a bright and passionate Believer.... What is your motive? Bring it before the Lord... We are heading into questionable times.... The true remnant of Gods people must bond together in love...

You can look thru 50 years of MacArthur's work... Will you find a few questionable things? Sure.. But are the wheels falling off his ministry... certainly not.
If Jonny Mac starts talking about 'gold dust' and 'getting high on the Holy then we can start to worry.


My brother joshua, you are the finger of the Lord to point to these kind of men that think God can be mocked. When others point to in the light apostates men like benny hinn, joel osteen, td jakes and ect., These think they can hide and make a mock of the gospal of Our Lord Jesus Christ. While there still in PRESENT error and don't repent, keep Gods finger on them cause were seeing and listening. Brother stay strong, have you in prayer every day, we love you for being what others not dare do because men are there god. The peace of OUR Lord Jesus Christ be with you, your brother juan
