Here comes the sun with lyrics The Beatles

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I recorded this video in the Grand Canyon National Park
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My brother died suddenly of a heart attack May 6th and this song played in the hospital as his wife and kids were saying their goodbyes. He always liked the Beatles. I believe he was telling us "It's all right".


I hope we’ll sing this again after the world overcomes this difficult moment ( Covid 19)! I long for


Little darling i see that virus slowly leaving.🎶...
Here comes the 🌞 sun


If this song doesn’t play on my funeral then I’m not coming


Does this ever make anyone else cry because of old memories? Me and my dad always listened to it and it just make me cry even though he’s alive.


If songs were the stages of grieving this song would be acceptance.
It will be ok. The sun will rise again


This is magical, George was so spiritual and the story about him wandering around Eric Clapton's back yard with his guitar as the sun was coming up on a spring day is magical. George said he was playing and the song was what came out. As a guitar player myself, this song is just so pleasurable to play the way it just rolls of the fingers. I think it is one of the greatest songs ever written.


I’m trying to overcome a 25 year addiction n I come across this. This video…. It’s giving me hope so thank u…


Had a really rough night last night. It has been rainy for the past few days, but when I woke up, the sun was shining and it made me smile. Its warm and felt just right. And it made me think of this. Our world sure can be beautiful, can't it?


Here comes the Sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the Sun and I say
It's all right
Little darling
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the Sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the Sun and I say
It's all right
Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the Sun
Here comes the Sun and I say
It's all right
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes
Little darling
I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the Sun (doo, doo, doo)
Here comes the Sun and I say
It's all right
Here comes the Sun (doo, doo, doo)
Here comes the Sun
It's all right
It's all right


Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's all right
Little darling
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's all right
Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Little darling
I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's all right
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's all right
It's all right🌞


We buried my dad yesterday, this was the first song that came on, my dad loved the Beatles and this song. I've never listened to it like this day and my daughter and I cried, and we made a collage of him with this song playing. Im so sorry anyone grieving and feeling this sadness, but this song helped me too see what he was saying to me, that he was alright, no more pain and it made me think of how the Bible explains how it will be in heaven.


It will be the song of my dad’s funeral tomorrow.its as lovely as him.


RIP George. Can’t believe you’ve been gone over 20 years now

The first Beatles song I heard from him


My 11 year old daughter brought me here.. been rough lately but that little girl is doing big things in her life


One of the best songs exist on planet earth. 🎶


This song makes me feel like in a stage of the peace. Do you feel in the same of me?


This song reminds me and teaches me message that things will get better in time and that we should always hope for a bright future and better time!


What a shy sad person feels when they find a kindred being! Million watt smiles!


This is the song we all need to come out of the Covid disaster. Let's make it the antivirus anthem
The Beatles, it is always said, were far ahead of their time. This just proves it.... Thanks George, and John, and Paul and Ringo. Happy Summer chaps, here comes the
