Federal judge blocks Florida immigration law

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The law, which made driving immigrants without legal status into Florida a felony, was deemed to be beyond the state's authority.
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Sounds like that judge needs to be removed.


Who is this judge trying undermine the law?




DeSantis really must file to have that judge disbarred. Title 8 subsection 1324 specifically rules that moving illegal aliens in the United States is a felony. Please Ron start a wave of dismissals of criminal judges. The state of our union depends on it.


This low-level Jag officer has zero ability to draft legislation. I've drafted more bills that were passed by a republican house and Senate, and I'm independent with NPA. This is where a bipartisan liaison with knowledge of current case law would benefit everyone. I wouldn't expect him to figure this out. We can just sit back and wait out his lame duck session. 😮


I would challenge everyone to get in touch with an immigration lawyer or immigration law firm. - I like some thought it would be nice if these illegal immigrants were schooled on the proper way to come into this country - just get in line like everyone else applying for citizenship or a work visa. ... Not after doing some research - l learned it's not that easy anymore - Talking with a few immigration lawyers, that I discovered that the filing and processing of paperwork is overwhelming due to the lack of people who work as a government clerk. ... It has become so overwhelming that the backlog is already 10 years long for those already in this country illegally. ... I learned that people coming from India have a 42 year waiting list and those coming from Palestine is around 3 years. ... A good immigration lawyer would have all the statistics on the different years waiting for people wanting to come from different countries. .... You might say - that we need the highly trained - but what is happening are people are paying for paper trails from their country but not receiving the proper education - it all smoke screen from papermills creating fake educational training. ... You might say that we need lower types of backbreaking people who are willing to do the jobs that most Americans will not do. ... I remember when President Regan got into office he made it a requirement that an individual needed to be working at least 20 hours a week to qualify for public assistance. ... Thus making employers accountable in hiring qualified people who are working with legal status. .... So all these illegal immigrants are not going to be qualified to work in this country and thus do not qualify for public assistance. .... Now you see the big picture - Corporate America - continues to break the law by hiring unqualified by being in this country illegally and where are the gatekeepers in the playing field of public assistance? ... Is it the President's job to oversee Corporate America's hiring practices - Then again many 1st generation Americans become model citizens are gaining their citizenship while joining the military. ... I know it's sad that this guy got caught by AI (artificial Intelligence) technology but that's the future - you just can't give a person a ride over state lines - these days - especially when a state is implementing AI technology and always improving on the system in order to pacify the voters - even if some are too lazy to do good scienctific research - thus blindly following the half truths while skirting around the issues facing this fast pace earth and her needed progress to save us from ourselves.


De Santis 2028! Or VP! Trump Landslide! Red Wave 2024!
