Gr9 EMS | Term1 Lesson 5 2 | Trading business: General Ledger Part 2 (CPJ)

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#general ledger grade 9 #ems #generalledger #grade9syllabus
00:00 Intro
00:26 Activity
03:35 Balancing General Ledger
04:01 Example
Gr9 EMS | Term 1 Lesson1 | Accounting concepts & calculations
Gr9 EMS | Term1 Lesson 4 | Trading business: Journals (CRJ & CPJ)
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Gr9 EMS | Term1 Lesson 3 | Trading business: Accounting Equation
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Gr9 EMS | Term1 Lesson 5 2 | Trading business: General Ledger Part 2 (CPJ)
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Accounting Equation Grade 9
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Gr9 EMS |Term 3 Lesson1 | Creditors: Accounting Equation
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