Final Fantasy 16 - Odin Boss Fight (4K)

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☆ Odin boss fight in Final Fantasy XVI on PS5 in 4K.

BFD, Boss Fight Database.

FF16 Barnabas boss battle.
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This whole fight against Odin is the perfect love letter to Devil May Cry fans. You don't fight him as your Eikon, the final arena in the rain is just like the one at the top of Temen-ni-gru, his attacks are just like Vergil's, and best of all he becomes MOTIVATED.


" I am yours, Mythos! Claim me as your prize! " Jesus Christ I did not expect this to be my endgame damn 😂


I thought this man was the Sephiroth clone, turns out he's the freaking Zenos clone. He dropped that whole holier than thou act as soon as he got battle horny.


the passion behind the “that i might revel in it!” line gave me chills man


How Torgal got through this fight is beyond me 😂 good pup


I like how Barnabas reclaims his *motivation* as the fight progresses.


Initially I was disappointed we didn’t get a big spectacle Eikon fight but then after I defeated Odin and the more I thought about it, the boss fight was pretty damn amazing. It was Clive vs. Barnabas with bits of Ifrit vs. Odin. Hearing Barnabas absolutely lose his mind while fighting Clive was definitely the highlight.


I can count on one hand how many line reads that are so filled with ones soul as “SO I MIGHT REVEL IN IT!!!” that i can remember from media as a whole let alone any recent games. That monologue, and his unhinged laughter, alone made Barnabus go from so-so to me to one of my absolute top performances in this already amazing game.


Barnabas is probably the hardest boss fight in the game because you don't fight him as Ifrit.
It's a massive skill test and it doesn't get more badass than this.


Loved Odin's monologue from 15:37, absolutely brilliant voice acting.


Barnabas got to be one of the most unexpected plot twist considering what we theorised on him.

We thought of him as some great composed sephirothesque warlord with some goal of Darwinist freedom where eikons could rule the world.

Turns out it’s the exact opposite, he is but a clinically insane slave without will who just became complacent with his role and strength, accepting his role and fate out of loneliness and boredom with his only serotonin being the challenge that was promised to him. He is the strongest dominant but the « weakest » at the same time.

We thought Dion would be the religious meta slave but turns out it’s his nemesis

Kinda depressing ( not disappointing tho ) villain to be honest. Would like to learn more on him though.


Geez you can tell from the dialogue that Barnabas' voice actor was REALLY enjoying it a lot at 15:41 Barnabas: Don't tell me you are TIRED, Mythos!? Your stubborn defiance has stirred my long-becalmed heart! Filling it with a... *JOY* that I have not known for generations! I had thought the tantalizing kiss of self-indulgence a dream forever out of my reach! And now that its sweet ruin courses through my veins, I shall not be quick to relinquish it! SHOW ME YOUR WORTH MYTHOS....THAT I MIGHT *REVEL IN IT!*


"THAT I MIGHT REVEL IN IT" has similar vibes to


"Its not my will that should worry you but the weakness of yours" is such a cold line. Clive really hits those one liners


The move at 20:30 when Odin reaches full power that's called:"Woden Worhte Weos", is a line of the Maxims I, an Old English poem. In this line, the God Odin is described in constrasted with the Christian's God and the line in particular means: Woden (Odin in old english, one of the over 170 name that he has in history) wrought idols, perhaps implying his primacy over the other gods.


'Dont tell me you are tired mythos'

'your stubborn defiance has stired my long becalmed heart'

'Filling it with a joy that i have not known for generations!'

'I had thought the tantalizing kiss of self-indulgence, a dream forever out of reach'

'And now that its sweet ruin courses through my veins i shall not be quick to relinguish it!'

'Show me your worth mythos, THAT I MIGHT REVEL IN IT!!'

Most badass speech i ever heard


Barnabas really fights like no other Dominant, the way he goes in and out of various previously unseen stages of Priming is incredibly impressive, and it's like he can semi-Prime to a state where he can concentrate Odin's full power without having to sacrifice speed or go into the huge form and make a big target of himself, he shows amazing control of his Eikon, like he IS Odin. It may not be the big Eikon Vs. Eikon spectacle like some of the other bosses, but still an amazing fight that really showcased a Dominant using their abilities at full potential, and the way he becomes more psychotic as the fight goes on having finally found a worthy opponent, fucking love it.


I loved barnabas’s theme from the very start but damn it’s awesome how upbeat and celebration esque the boss theme is, makes it feel like the best 1v1 duel I’ve ever had the joy of playing since Slave Knight Gael


I like how this fight has the least amount of QTEs to break the phases, mostly a combat mechanic duel


I love that the music gives the sense of Odin riding the storm
