Traditional Methods Used By The Native Americans for Long, Thick and More Beautiful Hair

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When you see old pictures of Native American ancestors, their hair was always long and lustrous, with not too many of the older people having gray hair. As a people, Native American ancestors saw their hair as a part of their identity. It was an embodiment of how they lived, just like everything that surrounded them. They gave respect to everything in nature.
According to tradition, the Navajo tribe would cut the hair of their children on their first birthday, after which it would be left to grow untouched for the rest of their lives. Since there was so much spiritual value placed on their hair, they would only cut it during times of mourning or life-changing events. To maintain their long, thick hair and to encourage vigorous growth, wild herbs were harvested and used in infusions, oils and ointments to soothe scalp wounds or irritations, to strengthen and add brilliance to the hair shaft and to prevent thinning.
Stinging Nettle (Urtica Diocia) has been found to have properties that stop testosterone from being converted into DHT; this is the hormone which is responsible for hair loss in many men and some women. This plant grows wild and in abundance in America. Since it grows in the wild, the Native Americans would just hand pick it, and infuse it into oils to moisturize their hair. The fresh leaves can be submersed in olive oil in a glass jar. Seal and place in a cool, dark spot for 2 to 3 weeks. Apply the oil in an invigorating scalp massage.
Rosemary helps to promote hair growth by stimulating blood circulation in your scalp thus allowing the hair follicles to breathe and function well. Rosemary has also been known to reduce early graying. A refreshing daily rinse of rosemary leaves simmered in water retains hair color. The rinse is most effective on dark hair. A few drops of rosemary oil can be added to olive oil and used as a scalp massage oil.
Burdock (Arctium Lappa) root oil, also known as Bur oil is one of the most important herbs used to restore hair. Burdock promotes healthy hair by relieving scalp irritations and improving blood circulation to the hair follicle. Burdock root oil supplies natural phytosterols and important essential fatty acids to hair roots, and has been traditionally used to reduce and reverse hair thinning.
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) has properties that suppress the hormone that causes baldness, so taking it orally and as a topical application is one of the ways the Native Americans hair was kept so beautiful. The fruit Saw Palmetto is a scarlet red berry; they would dry it in the sun for days then grind it and infuse it into tinctures, teas and ointments which were applied to their hair to help strengthen it and also prevent dandruff.
The yucca plant was used by several Native American tribes to encourage hair growth and to prevent baldness. The roots of young yucca plants were used for shampoo. The crushed roots were soaked in water to make a hair wash. Other methods involved peeling the bark of the root, which was rubbed in a pan of shallow water to make suds to rub into the hair and scalp. Yucca was also used as a hair wash for newborns by the Zuni Indians to help their hair grow healthy and strong.
Yarrow can be used for fragrant hair. Native Americans used an infusion of the leaves from this strong-scented perennial plant as a hair wash. The Okanagan Indians of British Columbia mixed the leaves and stems with white clematis (a perennial with bright yellow flowers) and witch’s broom branches to make a shampoo.
Sweetgrass is a flat-leafed bladed grass it is considered sacred by the native Americans. Some Native American women decorated their hair with sweetgrass. A tea made from sweetgrass can be used as a hair tonic to make the hair shiny and fragrant.
Wild Mint is so strong you can smell it long before you can see it. The Cheyenne Indians in Montana used a decoction of the wild mint plant as hair oil. The Thompson Indians of British Columbia used the whole plant soaked in warm water to make a solution that was used in hair dressing.
We thank the Native Americans for showing us that we too can have longer, thicker and more beautiful hair.

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Good Day and Good Health
The Refreshing Point

Traditional Methods Used By The Native Americans for Long, Thick and More Beautiful Hair
Рекомендации по теме

I’m only a 1/4 native but my hair has ALWAYS been my fav part of me. Very, very thick and grew extremely fast and very long. Thank you to my full blooded native ancestors for giving me beautiful hair, and beautifully shaped cheek bones. I don’t have the gorgeous skin color but wish I did. So proud of what native blood I do have


Every plant and tree was given by the Creator for food or medicine. But has a community we need to share and respect mother earth


God blessed us with nature's medicines. It's amazing how we found out how to heal many ailments with what was given to us. This is why I respect nature in a deep manner .


I am a fan of Native American culture and traditional Pagan beliefs. Love and respect from India.🙏🏻🕉


My great grandmother was native american on my mothers father is Sicilian. Personally, I only wash my hair with water. I use wooden brushes and a wooden comb to keep it dust free and to disperse the oils throughout my hair. When I began to dye my hair I was using traditional shampoo and conditioner my hair started to grey and flake badly....when I stopped my hair became healthy again...but it took time to get through an oily stage...about two months... Now it's back to normal. I wear it in braids to bed and will comb through my hair after hot activities to keep it clean and then I rebraid. My boys have long hair and it's very shiny...I only use water on their hair as issues with tangles either.... just long straight smooth hair with alot shine. I never have used shampoo on thier hair or conditioner ever. It's a very counter culture way of grooming but it really has worked for us. Anyone who tries it will have to be patient with results..since your hair becomes accustomed to the shampoos and such.


Native Americans are a beautiful people. I found some years back that I have Native American heritage in my family. So proud to find this out. A French trapper who is related to me a few generations ago married a beautiful Native American maiden. ❤


Peaceful Greetings, I really love this sharing, with The Creators permission I will use a few of these recipes in 2024 for Hair Growth. Thank you very much for sharing. Peace onto you.


as a Cherokee native american I use cocoa butter hair oil and I drink ensure plus because it's very good for your hair so my hair is about elbow length now.


they always look neat and well put together in old pictures, like they didn't live in nature, in somewhat harsh conditions.. Interesting


My theory: It’s what we ate. Also my tribe used the Yuka plant.


I never thought about it but the old family pics very few have grey hair. I'm still in my 50's and I have more grey than some older relatives. I really need to pay attention to this ....


i cut my hair 3 years ago. i was so happy with it for two of those years. now with me going to pow wows more and more often, and getting back into dancing after what feels like forever, im desperate to grow my hair out again!! but, for now, otter pelts do the trick when im in regalia😂😊


I am in my 60's, I have long hair to my waist. There is some gray in it, but not alot. I keep my hair long because I am quarter Sioux, and I've always related to the native part of me than to the other percentage of what I am.


I really enjoyed this video. Thank you


Im Native my Tribe is From Mexico my name i found is Native american As Well iam Native american Cuz my Grea Great Grandmother she was Full Blooded Native american i Barely Found oit last Yr iam native american iam Blessed+ 😊💯+🙏


I'm Native American. I'm Mohawk and for the first time in my life, I have hair down to my neck. I'm thinking about letting it grow out and maybe even getting a Mohawk hairstyle.


i drink drinks and teas of things like coconut water, aloe vera, rosemary (like tea, especially dandelion root, etc.)


this guy makes it seem like we’ve died out


Thank you for sharing, even though genetics everything helps. Stinging netles does this not cause irritation.


For a second when the video started I thought this was a young Michael Jackson talking 🤣😂🤣
