sad lofi for late nights 10 Hour Extended

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0:00 spencer hunt - twilight

2:56 Kiss the Moon - Savour

5:49 kanisan - let me hold you

9:20 Sebastian Kamae - Homegrown.

11:49 pedrolina. - Yakusoku

14:12 lilac - Muji

15:44 raccoon with a groovebox - Sparkles

17:44 Aireey - Ohana

Lofi is love and sadness at the same time.

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I feel kind of lonely and listening to this calms my anxiety. It’s currently nearly midnight and I have school very early. Let’s wish everyone to have a better day tomorrow.
Edit 2023: at a much better position in life and there’s no reason you can’t heal, thank u 🫶


You guys worked hard to survive in this cruel world.

Just remember that even tho I'm a no one, I'll be always here with you guys.


You know it’s one of those nights when you look up sad lofi


I walked out of the house past midnight to escape from everything: my family, friends, school, stress, worry, and even more. I hiked up a mountain and sat on the top as dawn came and this music played in my headphones, and I started crying and l let it all out, all those feelings I hid from everyone. Itwas the most beautiful moment of my life. Thank you for giving me that, Lucidy.


Read through an entire book series with this playing in my ear and now I can’t hear it without mixed emotions towards the characters I grew to love and now will never see how the story continues. I wish I could just live in a great book series or have something crazy and awesome to deal with instead of just the mundane continues struggle that life is.


As a stressed introvert after going back to school full time after the year of weirdness, this lofi rlly helps when I can't sleep thinking about how draining the next day will be.


I've been going through a tough time lately. I've never felt more alone and helpless than I do now, and I feel horrible for feeling like this because I know there are other people going through so much worse than me. It used to be that the only thing that could comfort me no matter what was music, but that hasn't even been working. Everything I used to love and take pride in is losing meaning for me and everything feels and tastes like nothing. I have no energy to do anything, and I have started avoiding everyone in my life because I feel like a burden on everyone. What makes it hurt more is that no one has asked why I'm not around anymore or if I'm ok.

At least with this playlist, I've been able to fall and stay asleep, which is a miracle for me. For everyone going through something like me, at least we can take comfort that we are not truly alone in our struggles. I am cheering for you, and I hope you will stay strong.
Thank you <3


To anyone reading this while listening to this music, I know what you feel, you’re probably even crying right now, but whatever can happen to you is nothing compared to what you have accomplished and who you are. You are an amazing person and never let anyone make you feel otherwise. You might be having a bad time, but behind walls is always happiness. Have a great day/week/month/year and remember that nothing is worth loosing your life.


I love how wholesome and loving the comment sections are on Lofi Beat videos.

It makes me happy.


I thought they took this down, I searched for this specific playlist for the longest lol. Favorite lofi soundtrack, its great.


i listen to this when dysphoria go brrrr

i feel so alone in my struggles. why can't i just open up to my friends. why doesn't my family understand. why do i hurt every time i hear that name.

i wonder if anyone in the world will ever understand me.


Go to sleep: 5:30
Wake up: 7:15
Family: doesn't like me/(you?)
Friends: none
Heart: broken
Family members you loved: gone

Pillow: soaks up your tears when you cry
Blanket: keeps you warm
Reflection: never laughs at you
Pets: make you "happy"
Music: makes you calm
Strangers: help you
The moon: shines as bright as you
Every ⭐ is a piece of a ❤ if you put all of the stars together..
You get a full heart, what you need!
I know I am just a stranger. But i care about you! Here some cake! 🍰 have a nice day/night!


Listening to this type of lofi is like healthy therapy sessions


I’m so tired, why can’t i just get an ounce of happiness. I lay here every night listening to songs like these. too numb to cry, and instead of actually being healthy and talking about my emotions i fake my happiness through memes and satire emojis. god i hate myself so much


Still believe in humanity in this chaotic world.
You are the love, spread the love, make the difference.
God bless you my friend ❤
Hope this message reach you


I came here crying and just simply reading through these comments made me feel better so let me leave something,
You reading this right now. Yes you! I don’t know what your going through, but do know that whatever it is, it will get better. You may be heartbroken, you may have lost your mom, but no matter the reason, you deserve love. Also the mirror, it just causes insecurity. Please stay safe. Virtual hugs!
-Some random person on the internet.


Feeling pretty empty about a breakup. I'm currently listening and writing my thoughts down. The music helps loads :)


Haven't seen you post in a year. I hope you're doing well wherever you are and whatever you're doing at this moment in time. I wish everyone the same. All of the beautiful and wonderful people in this community, never give up or lose faith in the things that you love. Always look on the bright side of life.

Life is so short and so precious, we have to make the most of it. As I lay in bed typing this at 5:20am I look back on my life and think about the people that I used to talk to. The significant others in my life that are no longer there. It makes me sad to look back at those memories. But, it also makes me glad that I got to have those memories. Even if they are sad or depressing.

We need to let go of things, of people. If not, we'll just be stuck in the same cycle of hating ourselves or wishing we could go back in time. I'm slowly learning to do that, slowly but surely. I believe that all of us can learn to be happy. It's just going to take some time, and that's okay.

Just remember to never give up or lose faith in yourselves. We can accomplish anything if we put our minds to it. I wish you all the best of luck on your journeys through life.



Thanks for not putting annoying ads 💙💙


Hey, if you are reading this, i love you, i hope you succeed in life. I know some ppl are going through hard times rn but it’s ok. I love you❤️
