C# Tutorial - Insert Update Delete data in Database from DataGridView | FoxLearn

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Insert update delete data from datagridview in c# using sql database, Metro Framework, Modern UI Design C# .NET Windows Forms Application. The c# basics course is a free c# tutorial series that helps beginning programmers learn the basics of the c# programming language

How to use Winforms Modern UI Metro Framework in C# using Metro or Modern UI Style Windows Application in C#.

Creating Modern UI Design: WinForms Modern UI Metro Framework in C#, then learn How To Use Metro Framework Metro Style Manager in C# or C# Windows Form Application - Metro UI Library, C# Modern UI Metro Framework Windows 8 UI

C# Insert Update Delete and View data from database in .net
Insert update delete select in c# crud
Insert Update Delete into DataGridView C#
C# - Insert Update Delete In SQL Database
Insert Delete and Update data in database from DataGridView in c#
Entity Framework - Select Insert Update Delete in C#
Insert Update and Delete using Entity Framework
Inserting Updating and Deleting Entities in Entity Framework
insert update delete in datagridview using c#
insert update delete datagridview c#.net
insert update delete with datagridview control in c# windows application
insert update and delete table from datagridview in c#.net
insert update delete inside datagridview in c# windows application
how to insert update delete in datagridview in c#
c# code for insert update delete in datagridview
how to insert update and delete in datagridview using c#
how to perform insert update delete in datagridview in c#
Рекомендации по теме

I don't know how much thanks I owe ya for this video, I noticed you have been updating the video even though keeping the title the same, this video has finally resolved my doubts about linking two data tables using entity framework and display it on a datagridview, job well done, I really owe you a beer! Cheers!


great work. thanks...learning C# and this was helpful


Good hands on tutorial. Everyone commenting here asked for source code. wow


This Database I'm downloading (The up-to-date version of what you got);
does it allow connections over the internet? Let's say I'm making a social app,
how would I handle that kind of data between everyone? This type of Database?


One more question, is there a way to save the cityid each time I enter into the edit screen? seems like it always defaulted to the first item, many thanks!


Tutorial is very good, but i want to ask if make *"button search"* how?
Continued from this tutorial


Very Good work!

I have some questions...

- After deleting a row, dataGridView does't update automatically.
I must press the sequence:
1. Delete
2. Save
3. Refresh
Doesn't better to call SaveChangesAsync() right after delete?

- Why after the sqeuence:
1. Delete
2. SaveChangesAsync()
I need press Refresh button? (the dataGridView doesn't refresh automatically)

Sorry for my english.



How did you designate in the form frmAddEditStuident' properties AcceptButton - btnSave???


Once I'm on the Student Info dialog box that I click on the address text box, the name on the city combo box disappears and when you select it doesn't let you save the record, no errors occur. Please help. thaks


great video like always! Thanks. Only one question. How do i show icon besides Formnametext ?


Hi! This tutorial is very good and really helpful. One question regarding editing. When you add a record, everything is ok with ComboBox data (you choose a city and its ID gets written into the record).
But when you edit a record, ComboBox is not initialized with correct value from the DB, but rather set to its default value (as if you are creating a new record). What is the best practice to solve this (ComboBox being set to its correct value from the DB record when editing a record)?
Many tnx for the answer.

BR, Smiljan


When I go to edit form... City not initial correct always get first value. and when you choose edit row you choose row not have city .. How can I initial City value... Thank you


Very nice video that explains a lot! However I wanted to ask you if you begin editing a row and change one or two fields and then close the edit dialog without saving, the underlying data in binding context would have changed.Correct? And hence those data would have been displayed in the grid but not persisted in database. Is my assumption correct?
Also could you send me the source code?
Thanks again for the great video!


Hi nice tuto !
I have a little problem for update an line on datagridView :

If I click on button update my form show and if I change value and close it directly my datagridView show the new value.
Is not good I don't click on save, I click on close >_<

Can you help me ?

Sorry for my english.


greet tutorial.. can u make the same tutorial using ADO??


Thank you for this video, it was very helpful, I have problem, I create inventory management system, I want to add new categories using  text box in form 3 to show categories in combo box in form 2(as you do frmaddeditstudent ), textbox is connect database (categories) and combobox connect to database (stock) now when I add categories in the textbox and save it with the same method you do in the video doesn't save and combobox only show the categorie how I put them in the table as you do with city tabel 11:21 please, help me please its very importing for me.


Why can't I establish a relationship here @11:04?

I clicked the "play" button and didn't work, I even refreshed and restarted my sql server. I am using 2019 version


The video was excellent and making me to do this. But I don't have the software application both front-end and back-end. Can you please send me the apt full download link. Please


When click on saveValidation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details


there is a litle problem in your tutorial:
when you click the Edit button, the City's comboBox doesn't get the selected city but only the first one in the comboBox
can you tell me how to fix that in this case Pls.
