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King Solomon arouses controversy as one of the most controversial characters in the Bible. Some narratives in the sacred book suggest that he performed demonic invocations. However, it is valid to question the veracity of these legends.

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#bible #demon #salomon
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🚨🚨🚨fun facts of mythology is now "Unraveling the Scriptures to better represent the content of our channel and respect the main subject which are the sacred scriptures🙏🙏


🙌🌟 Amidst the chaos of addiction, Jesus became my steady foundation. His love became the anchor that held me secure amidst life's storms. Through Him, I found healing and restoration, emerging from darkness into the radiant light of His salvation. Forever grateful for His unending grace and mercy.


🌟🙏 From the depths of despair, Jesus's love lifted me up and set me on a path of redemption. His mercy washed over me, healing my wounds and renewing my spirit. Today, I stand as a testament to His power to bring beauty from ashes.


I am a believer in Yeshua Hamashiach, hence according to the Christian Bible King Solomon was greatly blessed with wealth and wisdom. However, he disobeyed Elohim and married many foreign women who turned his heart to other gods, meaning there is a probability that he communicated with numerous demons/ devils in line with the sins he committed. That is my balanced view of his entire life.


If it's true that demons had a hand in building a Holy temple to God, how will God then accept a temple built by demons effort and accepts to place his name and presence in such a temple. Indeed, this is the devil's propaganda. Let the bride of Christ not be deceived in Jesus mighty name


Exodus 31. God filled Bezalel and Ohaliab with divine wisdom on how to build the tabernacle in the wilderness, God does not need demons or beetle to carry out earthly assignment.


I want to believe the book couldn't have been written by the biblical Solomon. It was probably written by the other sorcerer called Solomon.
I find it difficult to believe that the God of the whole earth will give instructions on not to use stones cut by iron tools and He Go wouldn't leave a blue print on how to get the stones to the extent that they consulted demons? He is the God of miracles. His angels are always available to support divine assignments.
God didn't leave Moses without a blue print to carry out every divine assignment and Moses accomplished everything perfectly by divine direction. Why would he leave out King Solomon when there is a blue print already for Solomon to follow? Or, at the most, send his angels to help?
Our God is the God of signs and wonders. He wouldn't need the help of demons to accomplish his purpose.


As a follower of Messiah Yeshua, I believe that this narrative of King Solomon on conjuring evil spirits and demon lords is true. It makes too much sense.


Very good. What is the lesson here. Demons. When the Nephilim died their spirits roam the earth. We are forgetting this. We should not forget. After the flood the sons of Noahs came to Noah and begged him to speak to God as the spirit of the Nephilim were killing their children. Noahs great great great grandson found a book. What was the book. Possibly the book of dead. How to conjure evil and it began there. And the book was passed down


Or maybe that demon still sits on the thrown and that would explain Israel’s influence over the world today


Solomon repented of his pride and arrogant nature And marrying evil wonen not all of them were He embraced their gods and their evil ways but God our Father brought him to his knees and when he repented God gave him back his kingdom. He got rid of the evil that surrounded him. Not all beautiful and sweet and smiling faces come with good intentions be aware of the spirit behind the beautiful smile man or woman. You will know them by their deeds.


Poor Solomon, he must have gone through a lot communicating with demons. Scary.


In the Quran. He is a prophet and after his death all his worship books were mixed with black magic to lie about who he was. And they continued lying that he is a demon worshipper. All that because he was a strong prophet that even demons feared. So they wanted to feel great about themselves to tarnish his reputation. Pitiful


Wait. Are you saying that one of Jesus' great-grandfathers was a wizard or sorcerer rather than a God-gifted king?


There was no one like Solomon but Mensa Musa of Mali and the story of Solomon was depicted from the ancient World Richest Man Mensa Musa of Mali


How can mere humans overpower and torment fallen angels?


Hi there! Really love your origin videos. Can you make a detailed video like other videos your channel on the origin of Indians, according to Bible😊


I'm not here to offend but did you see the ancient Image of king Solomon! We are in the last Day's. We all needed to started to Wake-UP! It's not going to have a next reset without the ONE truth Yah seeing what Evil Man are trying to bring on this earth again! The ancient people of Yah, and those how will listen will go back to when the disperse (ancient exodus) started.


I hope you answer this. What is the name of the book of Solomon where the Angel Lucifer requested to go yet an angel whos name begins with an H gets the job to " go amongst them "


I loved it, this story is interesting
