Solomon Binds Beelzebub (Satan) - The Prince of Demons: Testament of Solomon (Part 4): Demonology

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Solomon Binds Beelzebub (Satan) - The Prince of Demons: Testament of Solomon Part 4: Christian Mythology & Demonology:

Here, you shall know about Beelzebub, the prince of the demons and demon of the Evening Star, also known as Ba-al, Beelzeboul, and popularly - Satan, and the authorities he wields over mankind.

The images used in this video are for educational purposes. All rights go to their owners.

Source / Bibliography:
The Testament of Solomon (Testament Key of Solomon)
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Really been enjoying this series about King Solomon


This definitely makes me want to sin even less!


I’m in love with these Solomon - demon texts


1 Corinthians 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
****Solomon must’ve been operating in something the saints will do one day. He was a foreshadow and type of things to come. I highly recommend fellow believers to fill your heart with the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to purify you. Many of us will be appointed judges over the world and the angels.


Can someone please tell me what the scary music is? It's great, no clue what it is though.


The New Testament is very interesting… the stories of king Solomon and the demons are a bit different in the Old Testament.. still very interesting!


Lucifer is not the Satans name, it’s Latin and a translation of the Hebrew HELEL. There is no such person as Lucifer. The Latin translated to English kept Lucifer like it was a proper name.
Transliteration: hêlēl
Pronunciation: hay-lale'
Part of Speech: masculine noun
Root Word (Etymology): From הָלַל (H1984) (in the sense of brightness)
TWOT Reference: 499a
Outline of Biblical Usage:
Lucifer = "light-bearer"
shining one, morning star, Lucifer
of the king of Babylon and Satan (fig.)
(TWOT) 'Helel' describing the king of Babylon


These are the ancient royal families being demonized because they were conquered smh


There is no demon Beelzebub, it’s Ba’al Zevul or Zevuv but Zebub in modern times.


Fire and Brimstone stuff. What ever you want to call it, there is a darkness running amuck in our 🌎


@1:58 Is Beelzebub "bound to obey" King Solomon by the power of God, or did he just openly refuse and dictate terms to Solomon? 🤨


Wasn't Lucifer a Cherub? Why is he addressed here as a fallen Seraphim??


The Goetia was set to curse the wicked in their sinister desires the invocation is about hierarchy


I don't why i have failed to enjoy the background music, but well thanks for the great work


evil be controlled failed stopped everywhere always in the name of Jesus Christ!


Most people believe Beelzebub means lord of the flies but it actually means "Lord of the Sh!t Pile". It is an insult from God.


I heard all of this was written by The Druids


Lucifer is the Archangel that commanded a choir of Angels to sing praises to the creator and his son. Wherever they went Lucifer followed and praised them along with his choir. Until they decided they should not have to worship the Son .. And that when the war on heaven was fought and Lucifer and his Archangels were thrown to earth like lightning ⚡⚡... If there is a difference in Lucifer and Satan it would just be lost in translation somewhere because Lucifer describes an actual angelic being where as Satan means adversary . Lucifer is the highest ranking fallen angel and in the ranks of angels in general Lucifer is supreme. If Satan is a separate entity entirely then I'd say he comes from the watchers from the book of Enoch . The angels thateft their forsaked their first estate and disobeyed the command of the father by taking wives instead of just watching over mankind as ordered. So God bound some of these watchers until the day of judges and then he will throw them in the lake of fire but until that day some roam free .


Belzebub is also called in the apocrypha book of bel and the dragon.
A Canaanites god, when the sumerian Ziusudra/Noah in hebrew survives the great he and his son's families brought thier gods with them.
Only shem followed the gods of his ancestors which is Enki or Samyaza/vishnu in hindu the sea diety who guided the king alulim/Adam, while others worshipped other gods like Enlil or Baal, Zeus the diety of storms and thunder.
Baal is also known as tengre by ancient mongols.
Baal is also known as Hadad by ancient Assyrians.
Baal is also known as Indra by ancient Hindu India.
Baal is also known as Gadrel or Gad by the ancient tribe of Gad Israel.
The ancient book of Enoch and the anunnaki he was known as the diety who gave the fruit of knowledge to Adam and eve.
This were the two major dieties who were sent to earth to guide the first civilization.
Ziusudra/Vaivasvata Manu/Noah after the great flood that killed all living things he was known as the progenitor of humanity,
From his three sons the people of ancient mesopotamia came from.
And later the world.


This Demons and King Solomon are not myths . Its happened during his reign in the Kingdom of Israel . This is clearly stated in the Qur'an . A muslim have to believe this .
