'Sacred Sin'~ Sabbatean Frankist

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Most people have heard of Jesus, considered by Christian followers to be the Messiah. But very few people have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself to be the Messiah in 1666. He amassed a following of over one million believers, half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century, by proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin.
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school- Gramschi-Adorno-Marcuse
All evil


WOW! Explains a lot of what goes in with the very rich and powerful 😳


Redemption through sin is what they believed. As much as possible.


All of the heads of Hollywood studios during the Hollywood Golden era were Jewish and came from Poland, the exact place were Frankism was practiced and during the same time period. Something to consider during dinner


I hear the same thing in AA. Total self destruction is a must before you see the Light.


Thank you so much for making this.

My heart feels so much when thinking about this. My parents and grandparents were involved in these societies. I don't want to bring shame to them. But I must say a few things about them without outing them to the general public.

If one looks it up, deeply enough they'll find that Aleister Crowley and his students Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard are actually connected to the Frankism society. I really don't want to say too much more because if I do I'll have to directly name my family.

I don't want to be the one to expose them.

I've also been finding evidence that this kind of kabbalah•ism (or kabbalism) actually reaches back long ago. Although the connections aren't as clear for much time has passed, if continued searching is done more and more comes to clarity.

It's been a side job for me, but it's become more important to actually reveal this as of late because nobody else seems to see the picture yet but maybe those we ought to be concerned with.

I'm currently trying to go through notes (for which admittedly I'm quite disorganized) and get the preponderance of evidence together with citations.

To anybody interested please bear with me as it's going to take time. I apologize for the delay, I'm mostly mute and so I write to communicate so there's just so much accumulated in my life.

Anyway. I want people to think about how ISIS (ISIL) behaves and recognize how there've been many connections between the Sauds and state-Isreal especially lately, and state-Israel seems to have many working diplomatic connections with other Arab states near to them.

The Abraham Accords is one that is developing more and more. Although I cannot act as an expert on contemporary politics many of my friends and researchers I've witnessed are following these closely and from what I can tell, most generally it's basically coming down to aristocratic under the table developments that shine a light on the corruption that exists in near and middle east governments.

This I think also provides context for why so many common people are being sacrificed. Blood magick in my opinion.. It sounds crazy to people who are used to thinking like modernists or postmodernists, but I really want people to know just how much evidence exists out there about these practices and the increase of sin by specific societies while the world at large is learning to be more peaceful, privileged and diplomatic cannot be overlooked.

Anyway I'm just throwing out a few different things right now, I really need to get into the many projects I always have going. I'm mostly a scholar of antiquity and of course we're living right now, so all in all let us be well rounded by helping one another make some important connections. For we all might as well be as inductive, deductive and abductive as we can be in this often times confounding world.

May Jesus Christ be with you all! Peace, lov and all blessings in His name

- Your Quality Apologist


Half, that is wild and seems about right considering the modern world.


You should do another video and go deeper very good infomation


This current was an outgrowth of what already was present in Judaism (like Kabbalah) and simply reincorporated itself into it after the controversy was purportedly resolved.


Is sacred sin still ate play ? Of course, my question is are the Shriner's Sabbateans. Evil works, as long as you can keep the behavior hidden


To answer your final question, yes, of course sacred sin is still being practiced. Ideas don't die, and once created, religions rarely disappear. They continue to be recycled, over and over again, reincarnated in new forms that are more fitting for the current age.


Thank you I just had to explain this to my parents.


Remember the Golden Rule: Screw unto others before they get a chance to screw unto you.


You copied from Robert Sepehr's 1666: Redemption Through Sin.


Frank said that he would never tell the truth; therefore all of his teachings are lies, by his own admission; so whoever follows them lives a contradiction.


So, to boil it down: Doing all the bad shite to accelerate the coming of the Messiah! Ah 🤔🧐 Blackmailing God, essentially.


The gnostic belief which is what Qabbalah basis it's teachings on too, is the idea that the the god in the old testament is a demi urge, false god, who has created this material world to trap spiritual beings, and it's a quote that one must go through their darkness in order to reach the light, Carl Jung reiterated this with the idea of the shadow and integration, he subsequently was also a gnostic and at one time he was gifted the second codex from the library found in egypt with a large collection of gnostic scrolls and gospels.

Also worth noting that the star of david is a representation of saturn worship, who in gnosticism is said to represent lucifer who went to war with the demi urge, and so was seen as the real saviour, lilith through geamatra breakdown from within judaism and gnosticism and christian gnosticism is the one who presented the talmud.

However the real teaching behind gnosticism is that while saturn, an arcon, battled the demi urge, he is still not the saviour, but in ourselves lies the key as we are pieces of divine light (made in gods image), and through reconcilling the spiritual and material we can be elevated again and bring harmony and the reconcilliation of the two creative forces in Christ and Sophia as was the union that was foretold until Sophia tried to create on her own thus creating the demi urge, and so everything became fractured and has been a battle of elementals and the demi urge over dominion of us, but the one through god has tried to aid us with esoteric teachings to give us knowledge (gnosis) so we can prepare ourselves too.


Christians dont understand what these teachings actually mean


Moral's opposite is immoral. Amoral means something else. If you know you are doing wrong, like sinning, that is immoral. If you do not have any morals, then you are amoral. Like a psychopath. If you are saying something is wrong, you don't call it amoral. Because you are really saying, or the implication is, "My morals tell me that this is wrong." Or in other words, you are saying it is immoral. A person can be amoral. Actions are not because other people judge them based on their morals, even if you have none and are amoral. If you are implying that morality cannot be applied to something you could say it is amoral. But in that usage, you are saying that the thing is not to be considered morally. Like brushing your teeth. It is good for you, but not really a moral issue. You wouldn't call somebody immoral for not brushing their teeth. So, it is amoral. Meaning you judge it pragmatically and it's not a moral issue.


Several grammatical errors but it was the weird music that finally drove me off the story.
