CTJ Manipulation

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"Cervico-Thoracic Junction Manipulation For Treating Shoulder Pain"

Did you know that treating the cervical and thoracic spine regions can help alleviate your shoulder pain?? 🤔

It's well documented within the literature that treating areas AWAY FROM THE REGION OF PAIN can indeed help alleviate symptoms in that area. "REGIONAL INTERDEPENDENCE is the concept that seemingly unrelated impairments in a remote anatomical region may contribute to, or be associated with, the patient's primary complaint." So make sure your Physical Therapist is evaluating NOT JUST YOUR SHOULDER, BUT YOUR WHOLE BODY!!

A recent randomized control trial in JOSPT that looked at cervicothoracic junction (CTJ) ROM exercises plus exercise vs CTJ manipulation plus exercise. BOTH GROUPS significantly improved in terms of pain (NPRS) + shoulder function (SPADI and QuickDASH). However, patient's perceived success (GROC and PASS) significantly favored the manual therapy group. Clinicians - please feel free to sound off in the comments on the effects of manual therapy vs exercise…we believe this will be quite the discussion! #manualtherapy #manipulation #manip #HVLA

Citation: Mintken et al 2016. "CTJ Manual Therapy plus Exercise Therapy Versus Exercise Therapy Alone in the Management of Individuals with Shoulder Pain: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial". JOSPT.
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So sidebend towards, and rotation away?
