Rachel Wiley - The Fat Joke

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Rachel Wiley, performing at Rustbelt 2017 in Minneapolis, MN.

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Button Poetry is committed to developing a coherent and effective system of production, distribution, promotion and fundraising for spoken word and performance poetry.

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I fallen into a hole of watching poems.


“I am deserving of care.
I am deserving to exist as I do.
I am deserving of first no harm done.

And the world says that is the best joke we’ve heard all day.”


Doctor tells me “don’t eat anything fatty”
I said “you mean like bacon and cheeseburgers?”
Doctor says, “No, I mean don’t eat anything, Fatty.”


Wow. I gained weight during my SA trial and ive hated myself every day since. On the days when im too depressed to run or work out to make myself physically smaller, i try to do it in other ways. Get quieter. Shrink into silence. This poem speaks to me in ways i cant express. Thank you. Thank you.


“It hurts when I exist like this” and the world said, “then stop existing like that.” Damn.


I think some people are misinterpreting her point. She’s not saying she’s not trying to lose weight, she’s saying that she’s tired of everyone only caring about her weight and only seeing her weight


“A world that would rather she slice herself open than to exist as she does” :(


“I do not owe you shrinking. I do not owe you health, perceived or otherwise, to deserve respect.” DAMN.


I was a fat girl for 30 years until all of the medical conditions started piling up and I knew my future had regular MRI scans in it. I worked on myself, for myself. I didn't do it for anyone else. I've been on a weight loss journey for 3 1/2 years now and I'm still learning, still loosing weight and gaining life. I felt like you when I was a fat girl who felt judged and unable to be helped. I exercise for my own benefit, not for society, not to look cute in dresses. Whether you stay big or change, you live with the consequences of those decisions, just like all of the other consequences to everything else we do and choose in life. But yes, doctors will always see the fat first. We walk our own paths in life and I wish you the best. xx


I am actually depressed about my weight.. but I am changing that because just because I accept my current size that dosnt mean I love the way I am.. so I will continue to improve ( aka lose weight) so I can be my best self!


" I am deserving to exist how I DO!"


Not being taken seriously when it comes to depression...I can’t even imagine the torment.


'I do not owe you thinness' really got me. For all of the times I have been shamed for my size, I am so happy to have heard your poem to give me perspective. You and your poetry are beautiful.


I used to be obese and had low self-esteem and my confidence seemed to be non-existent. Doctors were worried about my rapidly increasing weight and have offered me to exercise and look after my health and that’s what I did. I didn’t demand respect or anything from the doctor and just simply took the advice into account which had shaped my life forever. After losing around 55lbs I found myself more confident and more comfortable about my own body. I used to hate to be obese, not because of the social comparison but because I had never wanted to end up like that. Working hard towards achieving my fitness goals allowed me to acquire other values such as work ethics, determination, discipline and finally understanding of my own body. Your health is your biggest wealth people, if you take care of your own body, your body will take care of you. Peace. ✌🏼


Dude being told the my bladder issues and acid reflux problem are because I’m fat 20 minutes after I told the doctor I was in treatment for an eating disorder was awful. My gallbladder needs removed and I have a hernia. Gallbladder Needed removed for 4 years but doctors keep telling me i just needed to loose weight. They only started taking me seriously when I started throwing up blood.


Maybe the spider wouldn’t have bitten you if you hadn’t been wearing a “bite me” shirt. 😂


This poem is so powerful! All people no matter fat or skinny are deserve respect!


I feel like..People don’t understand how hard it is to lose weight...and when you have depression it’s even harder to get out of bed..


y’all are INSANE. what she’s saying is that whether she’s trying to lose weight or not, she is deserving of basic human respect because she is a HUMAN FUCKING BEING.


1:11 I know how it feels to be told that. My own mother just told me I’m only depressed because I’m overweight. I’ve never related so much to a slam poem.
