What's Inside A Combine? How To Buy A Case IH 2366 #HowItWorks

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Everything you want to know about how a combine works, and how to maintain a Case IH 2366!

How does a Case IH 2366 combine harvester work? Everything you need to know about maintenance and what to look for if you want to buy one. #WhatsInside #CaseIH #HowItWorks

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Рекомендации по теме

After touring the case ih combine plant, I can confirm that the auger bed is the first part, and everything else gets bolted on around it.


There is like a million videos about combines on YouTube but this is first one that really explains combines. Does Kevin own a baler? I would love video about how it works.


I own a custom harvesting and combine rental business and I just added 5 extra 2004 case IH 2366 combine 240HP to my collection. Each was bought at $64, 500 thanks to the stock market. Had to go a bit more aggressive in investing to source the funds in just 6 months. I'm looking to add more by end of year.


Fantastic vid. You rarely get to see this in-depth content anymore.


Im amazed those things function at all. So many pieces that can fail built to such a low standard of quality (exploding hydraulic cylinders, bearings that fail constantly, thin steel that cracks and breaks etc). I have a newfound level of respect for anyone who runs one of those things or works on it.


Learned more in this video than 3 years in college. Best wishes from Ireland


We just started servicing our 2588 combine for the upcoming malt barley harvest. This video will be very helpful. We've had Case IH combines since 1990, yet there are things you guys discussed that I hadn't ever looked at. Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge.


The combine separates the expensive parts from the non expensive
And always destroys the expensive parts


Kevin really knows how his equipment works. Big respect


What I`ve learned from the vid:
1) combines are super fascinating pieces of equippement;
2) there are heaps of belts, which can all fail, and cost several hundred dollers each (don`t know if it`s just me but that sounds like alot);
3) before using the combine, take the time to check EVERYTHING, which seems like it will likely take atleast a couple of hours to do proporly, with everything going on inside such a machine;
4) if it moves, bears any load pretty much at all, or even vaguely comes into contact with the crops, it WILL wear out, and WILL need replacing every 1 or 2 years, likely costing atleast a grand, and taking atleaast a couple of hours to replace, which seems annoying given the crazy amount of things being shown to fail or need replacing every 1 or 2 years


Respect for our farmers! Shit tone of expensive mechanical stuff to check, service and maintain... Thanks to all farmers out there who is working around the clock to feed us.


18th century man's head would explode seeing this modern wonder. My head exploded! What an amazing tool. Kevin is cool. He like...knows stuff.


I don’t miss working on and washing combines. Specially as an apprentice when you get locked in the grain bin right before lunch. 😡😡


I always wondered why farming generates such a plethora of mechanics. After watching the discussion of moving parts on this beast I see why. So much to understand and adjust. Very interesting.


Probably never need need one for my plumbing business, but glad I watched. You never know.


dont know why but this has become my go to channel lol


Best run through of a combine I’ve ever seen. Excellent video and really enjoy these kinds of run through. Thx


Love videos with Kevin! Gives me an appreciation for all the hay farmers in the extended family, nothing that complicated (or expensive) in our veggie farming world.


If Kevin gets tired of farming he would make an exception instructor for a tech school or case training corporate. He just has something where he can explain such a complex thing so well. It's a you got it or you don't thing


I've been fascinated by combines since I was a little kid. Such amazing machines. The amount of moving parts and different types of movement and directions is incredible. It's no wonder they cost a million dollars new
