What Is Eternal Life?

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The most precious gift of all is the gift of life, for without it we can do nothing, but God wants us to have fullness of life, only possible through His grace.
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Gideon Kofi Essandoh Reporting live from Accra Ghana inside inbetween Dome and Taifa May the lord God bless you all for believing and accepting the word when i came to u sent through God may the whole Earth be priased and may this day began a new life and hope once more for human for another Trillion years🌈🐒🌊🌕☀


Thank you so much. To say the truth, i always think eternal in quantitative and happy life i think the is no big different


John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.


Thank you for this vid Fr. i like the way you explained it. God bless!


The Eucharist is the Catholic understanding of getting to know God but this is a denominational dogma. The best way to get to know Yeshua Messiah is reading Gods word and prayer.


İ can say again thank you for good explanation but i am yet not understand clearly the meaning of eternal life, because to say eternal life is not quantitative but qualitative for me still not get it. Because i know people in this world with very high quality life so are they live in eternal life? ! Because they must die too.


There's nothing in the Bible that says, internal life or everlasting😮 1st Corinthians 15 verse 53 the word for everlasting is immortality, that means forever, the word ages or age, is not forever, it's a period of time, but we translated forever, Jesus is the only one in heaven with immortality, right now, until the dead and the living gets, resurrected or change, don't b misled 🆘😮 your critic ❓🤔🧐


Why millions of books are written about HIM and not HER? And not IT instead? God does not have a gender.


Eternal life means eternal, that is last forever. It's not a quality of life. That is a private interpretation.

ETER'NAL, adjective [Latin oeternus, composed of oevum and ternus, oeviternus, Varro. The origin of the last component part of the word is not obvious. It occurs in diuturnus, and seems to denote continuance.]

1. Without beginning or end of existence.

The eternal God is thy refuge. Deuteronomy 33:27.

2. Without beginning of existence.

To know whether there is any real being, whose duration has been eternal

3. Without end of existence or duration; everlasting; endless; immortal.

That they may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 2 Timothy 2:10.

What shall I do, that I may have eternal life? Matthew 19:16.

Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7.

4. Perpetual; ceaseless; continued without intermission.

And fires eternal in thy temple shine.

5. Unchangeable; existing at all times without change; as eternal truth.
