Les Paul Carved Top Surface Modelling Exercise in Solidworks 2020

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In this surface modelling exercise, I try and recreate the form of a carved top Les Paul. I have seen several queries on forums over the years, where people discuss various ways of building the top surface of a violin or an arch top/carved top guitar. In this exercise I build a main boundary surface which is controlled via style spline sections as well as connectors that reference geometry. The surface is then trimmed at the top and bottom to leave 4 sided holes. A boundary surface is then built over each hole. The cut away is simply added via a cut, rather than trying to model to explicit edges. The guitar body is modelled full width, removing any curvature issues that may arise along the centreline, if I had modelled the body as a half then mirroring at the end.

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You can download the model used in the video here.

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#solidworkstutorial #solidworks2020 #solidworks #industrialdesign #lespaul
Рекомендации по теме

Boss level surfacing technique as usual 🙌🏽 learning a lot from you Andrew. Thank you for sharing your knowledge


New to SW, your CAD/product design videos are a gold mine!


Beauty work as usual,
many thks Andrew


Your surfacing techniques and skill in general are beyond! Did you learn all this just by doing or how come you're on such a high level? I really want to get into the topic but it doesn't seem too easy to find a starting point that's not too overwhelming.


great work thanks for your contribution !


But isn't this little over overkill? I do understand that this is a Solidworks exercise, but for example in Rhino you can just literally make a straight loft between the two halves and just control point edit the shape you want (or need). Easy and much simpler. So I'm just wondering, would you actually use Solidworks for this in real project? Great videos btw! 👍
