AP Statistics | 4.1.1 | Sampling and Surveys | Intro to Experimental Design

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This video covers 4.1 (Part 1 of 3) from The Practice of Statistics: Sampling and Surveys. We go over basic terminology in experimenting and surveying. What's the difference between a population and sample? What are bad methods of sampling that result in bias like voluntary response and convenience samples.

SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To):
—Identify the population and in a sample survey
—Identify voluntary response samples and convenience samples.
—Explain how bad sampling methods can lead to bias
—Describe how to use Table D to select a simple random sample (SRS)

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Hi!!! I love your video on this section! I also teach AP Stats and I was wondering if you had the file for the notes for this section! Thanks so much! :)
