5 Best Food with Healthy Fats | Reduce Cholesterol | Weight Loss | Healthy Helpful Tips

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Eat these fats! Yes, not all fats are bad for you, some fats are essential in our diet as it promotes good health. Please share this amazing video with friends and family about the 5 best foods with healthy fats. Together let us aim to promote wellbeing and make this world a better place to live in. Thank you!

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Hope you found this video helpful. Many individuals are looking for natural remedies to reduce bad cholesterol levels; please share the video with friends and family you believe might benefit from it. We aim to promote wellbeing in the world!


1. Avacado
2. Sesame seeds
3. Walnuts
4. Olives
5. Flax seeds


Thank you ma😊God Bless you🙏🏻Happy Republic Day😊


Happy Republic Day dear mam n to The Yoga Institute staff n students.🙏🙏🙏


Thank you ma'am❤.... For your valuable information


Mam please do video to reduce totally body pigmentation from darker to lighten by food naturally


I'm very pleased for sharing your healthy information .Thank you so much amma🙏❤️


Mam will you please please please make a video on TRICHOTILLOMANIA🙏🙏🙏


I have been drinking Heapwell matcha tea for 2 years. My cholesterol & sugar levels are well in control.


Thank you so much for suggestions in each and every video.
I want to know about vitiligo.
It will be helpful if you can discuss about the skin disorder


Maa please make a video on how to get rid of tinnitus!!!
As allopathy is saying that there is no cure
Im just 20
And depressed


Ma'am what is most important brain food please tell us


Mam, can i drink raw packet milk directly without boiling??is it good for health?


Avacado ko hindi me kya kehte h Dukandar smjh hi nhi paya jab gya lene


Aunty jii app hindi me bola kariye kyu ki kitne hi log english me kuch samjh nhi paate honge for this please speak in hindi


Naamaste great video . I have all these ithe past but stop eating some due to them being expensive but now I avoid bad stuff and instead I get this stuff but I find to still get ill such as neck pain and blame it on the two wisdom tooth growing its hurting all my one side of head gums eye head, swollen cheek and can't eat on that side. My question is will it help with my wisdom tooth pain I shouldn't think so, becaue the food we eat is for our body organs and brain to function but I don't get pains in body when I eat all this healthy stuff. But I eat healthy but I still get like bad heart pain like twitches sharp and I then massage that area. I notice it a lot when my body is ready to have a monthly cycle, I walk nearly everyday as an example I carried 8 liters of water on my shoulder from super market and its about 15 minutes walk I always carry shopping home I walk a lot. I did yoga in the past for two year straight which I'm finding hard to do now.And it was the best thing that happened in my life I was hugely a fit person and healthy. with everything that's going on I have fallen backwards and it's killing me to say that I want to be that person again, I always follow what you say and regarding healthy fats I will keep up with. I don't like to feel tiredness in the mornings even if I slept well what is the best thing to do to not to feel tired in mornings I get very lethargic. I appreciate every reply if you can advise on any foods that help it and how to consume it. your A beautiful lady and all your videos are the best educational and informative very nicely done and real genuine advice your amazingly the best and I feel cosy just listening to you so Thank you God bless you Naamaste and have wonderful day


What if you can't have seeds or nuts? I am clinically anorexic and need fat so badly to where my mind is going. Idk what to do.


Connet all devotees MEERA plzz coperate


You shouldn't over generalize like this, especially with health advice. It's irresponsible. Your sweeping statement about avoiding saturated fats is not really true, and even their relation to heart disease has been re-evaluated recently by looking at an aggregate of the studies done over the years and the consensus now leans toward unsaturated fat protects you not that saturated fat harms you. The nuance here means that eating unsaturated fats protects you from heart disease, NOT that eating saturated fats increases risk of heart disease. It's really about eating "healthy" unsaturated fats ALSO, not simply avoiding saturated fat. Saturated fat is not bad per se you just need to eat it in combination with mono and polyunsaturated fat. So many healthy things like coconut are saturated fat but have great health benefits like MCT in unrefined coconut oil's case that I wouldn't avoid because it "has evil saturated fat" in it. Please stop spreading old health dogma.

On a side note, you look like you could use a little resistance training to help with the loss muscle mass you have, as that is also key to being healthy. Look at the relation between muscle loss and health. As you age you're losing muscle, but do you resistance train? Probably not by the looks of it so maybe you are not this healthy person who should be telling everyone else what is healthy. Is you're own kitchen clean? It doesn't appear to be. You appear unfit. Can you run 3 miles? Can you squat with weight equivalent to your body weight? Can you do 10 pullups? Or even 25 pushups? These are basic base line health metrics and I bet you can't check any of the boxes. Yoga is healthy, and so is mindfulness and nutrition but so is resistance training and other aspects you types forgo


I am 100% sure this woman never had Avacado in her life.
