HOW TO RECOVER FROM AN EATING DISORDER (my story, what to eat, calories, food freedom, etc.)

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Hi! thank you so so much for being here!
I have been wanting to make this video for a long time and I finally got over my anxiety because at the end, what I talked about in here is based on my own experience, mistakes, things I have learnt, things I would've done differently, etc. I hope you guys enjoy this video and also share with people that are close to you because I know how hard it is from someone external to be able to understand what is going on in the brain of a person suffering with an eating disorder.

Love you!

Let’s be Friends!

FAQ :)
How old are you? 23
How tall are you? 5’1
What camera do I use? Sony A6100
Where do you live? Georgia, USA.
What do you use to edit? Final cut pro

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietician. All the information that I share is based on my own experiences and should not be taken as professional advice.

I love you guys! I am just here to spread some love and positivity after struggling for years with not loving myself, and now on my way to become the best version of myself and taking you along with me on this journey of self-love, healing & fixing my relationship with food and exercise

Take care! HERE FOR YOU :)



#healthyliving #healthylifedani #healthyfood #edrecovery #fitness #fitnessjourney
Рекомендации по теме

im trying my best to recover now but its so so hard, im only 16 and having my family not understand how bad it is for me mentally is extremly frustrating, they think its so easy to just start eating/stop body-checking/get rid of the inner voice. watching your videos is my comfort. thank you <3


I'm a recovering anorexic. I'm up 10 pounds and my skin is looking healthy again, and I have more energy and happiness than I've in a long time. At my worst, during an intervention where I almost got institutionalized, I was looking like I was almost on my deathbed. My skin was flaky and discolored, my hair was brittle, I'd tremble just by standing up, I couldn't keep a meal down, I was so weak and fatigued all the time it sent me into a deep depression. I don't wish anorexia on anyone – it was a very dark place to be in, and videos like this are inspiring. Recovery is so much more than eating more; I succeeded this time because I also reconnected with friends, picked up new hobbies, developed a healthier relationship / boundaries with exercise, and gained confidence by learning new skills. Your body deserves love, it deserves health and happiness. Remember to be kind to it, the best that you can be. To anyone reading – no matter what stage of recovery you're in, I'm so proud of you 🙏💛


‘I needed dreams more than I needed food in recovery’ ~ EDs are rarely just about the food


watching u grow into the person who you are today was the most beautiful thing i was ever able to witness. i don't think you understand what of an impact you have made in my life, yet in all the others out there. you have embraced uncertainty and uncomfortable seasons, you've pushed through when you wanted to fall back and you kept going when you couldn't see a way out. your strength & your braveness have been the biggest inspiration for me. you are proof that recovery, after all, is always worth it. slowly but surely, you are becoming who you were always meant to be: more than a body, more than an illness. all i can say is thank you - from the bottom of my heart, i love and appreciate you forever and always!! <3


i've been following you for quite some time now, and can confidently say that your recovery content is some one of the most realistic and helpful i've found yet. you always make me want to keep going and take realistic steps to achieving long-term goals. thank you, dani <3


had my first recovery meal today. didn’t feel guilty eating it. a small yogurt bowl with granola. feels like a big step <3


Thank you, I have been struggling for about three or four years now and I'm just starting to get help. I think this will really help me in my recovery and you are such an inspiration. My main anxiety right now is that I will try to "rush" my recovery or that I won't be taken seriously by medical professionals, I am obviously terrified to gain weight and loose control (thats why I have an ED) but if I know myself my biggest challenge will be to take my time and do this properly. Thank you.

And wish me luck ;)


" stop waiting for the perfect time " that resonated with me a lot because that is always the main exuse my mind makes for not recovering again, that its not the right time. first it started with wanting to be thin for my trip to greece, then after i said let me not recover because prom is coming up, then i was like summer is coming soon i might aswell keep loosing weight, next it was because me and my bf stopped dating and i thought i needed to lose weight to be prettier, then it was for my beach trip to spain. 6 monthes later and here i am without a period and i cannot even stand up without loosing my sight and hearing. but no matter how shitty i feel i still think its not the right time to recover because its summer and im in a bikini a lot. hopefully one day ill snap out of it.


I’ve had an ED for the last like 20 years, and at 33 I’m about to go to residential treatment. It’ll be the first time ever getting ED treatment and I’m so scared… thanks for making this and sharing your journey! I’m sure it wasn’t easy to be that vulnerable but it was a lovely message. Wishing you (and everyone else in these comments) the best of luck in your recovery ❤️‍🩹


This was such a beautiful video Dani ☺️ I hope everyone in recovery sees it 💚


Thank you ❤️
I'm really proud of you for posting this video, I believe I can't imagine how hard it should have been. You're so strong ❤️

To everyone seeing this comment : I'm sending you lots of love and support and am praying for you and loving you beyond words. If you want, please talk here by answering to this comment, I'd be so happy to talk with you abt everything you want ❤️❤️❤️


i want to recover so bad but also i dont. i dont wanna become bigger but i also dont wanna count calories like crazy and restrict myself with everything… i know its unhealthy and i need help but i dont even wanna tell my therapist cos im scared she will tell me i need to stop or wants me to recover


It’s nice to see you heal! I myself have had a rocky relationship with food, this year I’m starting the journey of healing that


ay Dani, este fue uno de los videos más lindos que hiciste (todos lo son); me transmitis tanta paz y confianza; sobretodo la certeza de que voy a estar bien, de que vamos a llegar lejos.
Te adoro Dani hermosa! sos de lo más bonito que conocí <3


Thank you Dani! Watching after my morning affirmations and it feels like I’m continuing them 😌💕


I' m watching this video from hospital right now, and it made me eaven more motivated so thank you so so so much. Love your Channel 💓💓💓
Wish you the best ☀️


I love this video! GREAT JOB! I am proud for how far you have come and in sharing your recovery journey! And the content on the video is very hopeful and encouraging! <3


I loved this video so much, thank you!❤


The worst part is not having the distraction anymore. It’s just such an easy way to cope


this video is beautiful dani! the editing style remindend me a lot of linda sun, one of my favorite youtubers that helped me a lot in recovery, just like you! thank you for sharing such an inspiring message and helping others <3
