My Conversion Story - From Evangelical Protestant to Catholic (Christian Testimony)

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“I just know Jesus and the Church are one.”
St Joan of Arc


Beautiful testimony sister. I am a cradle Catholic but just beginning to learn about the faith I grew up with. I love how new converts like you are so passionate and are sharing the truth about our faith. May God bless what you do and please continue to share such inspiring and beautiful messages.


Thank you for sharing your journey. As a lifelong evangelical baptist (and a minister's kid!), I related to so much of what you said. I have recently been attending an Anglican church and although I love the liturgy and reverence, I still feel something is missing. I have been harbouring a growing desire to explore the Catholic faith but haven't known quite where to start so I really appreciate the book suggestions. Thanks again, and many blessings.


Not really knowing my Catholic faith I became an evangelical and then a protestant for almost forty seven years until I heard a Catholic debater state what the early church fathers believed. Thank you for your sincerity and heartfelt testimony which reminds me of my own. May the Lord bless you abundantly in all of your undertakings.


100% understand how some of the discovery and looking at how protestant church is focused towards the sermon became a challenge. Where as the homily is only part of the lead up to the eucharist makes sense. This has likely been one of the biggest turning points that's caused me to explore catholic church. Sermons get longer, personalities get bigger. It doesn't seem Christ focused to me. As a former pastor (15yr ago) I participated in the whole focus around sermons, and thats unfortunate. Doesn't mean people don't come to Jesus and know him through this, but it should not be the focus and build up of a gathering. I see in the catholic church a focus on Christ and community. It's refreshing to see worship focused towards God, and coming to mass as an act of worship instead of "what can I get out of it".

Add in like you highlighted the shock of how many splits and denominations there are vs the catholic church. From a spritual stand point it makes sense, protestantism was build on the foundation of separation and splitting the church. So it makes sense that this continues to happen within the protestant tradition. Yet despite challenges and quarrel within the catholic church, it remains one church.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Thank you for sharing your testimony. I learned a lot. I'm a cradle catholic that also exposed myself to other denominations and have come to the conclusion that I'm staying catholic. Personaly reading many books to come to a solid decision isn't going to happen with me since I don't have the time or talent to do so. Listening to someone like yourself who has, helps a lot. God bless.


Welcome home. I loved your story and made me appreciate that I was baptized into the Church when I was three weeks old 81 years ago.


Great testimony, I love conversation stories! You touched on it a couple of times, but becoming Catholic from Protestantism is a paradigm shift in thinking. The convert is shifting their mentality from, "I have to read the scriptures and figure it out for myself" to "do I believe all the Church instructs and can I be completely obedient". That's quite a shift for many people and I know it was for me. During the two years of my discernment, every objection I had about Catholic teaching began to fall away and I slowly began to trust the Church. After 47 years as an Episcopalian I entered the Church in 2018. Catholicism is beautiful and I thank God every day for his grace, mercy, and the sacraments!


What a great testimony on your conversion. You are really easy to understand. I’m a 58 year old cradle Catholic and a practicing Catholic who has attended Protestant Church as a child and as a young adult. I’m always amazed by our Protestant Brothers and Sisters that have converted. They are a true Blessing. I appreciate your video and book references. God Bless you on your Journey.❤


I was raised Southern Baptist, and my grandmother set my feet on the Path. I became Episcopalian in college. That was back in the 1960s. In 2002 I was confirmed Catholic. It was mother Mary who invited me to her Son's church. I can attest to the feeling of gratitude for coming home to His church. And the joy and peace that come daily from being a part of this long history, tradition, and beauty. Congratulations! By the way, did you marry the man who requested to friend you?


Welcome home Sister! Thank you so much for your testimony! I’m a cradle Catholic and I didn’t really study my faith until my fifties. Dr Brant Pitte in Catholic Productions and Dr. Scott Hahan have educated me so much in our faith.


Thank you for sharing this as a Cradle Catholic I admire your bravery and your passion for truth! May the Lord Jesus bless you and our Mother Mary cover you with her mantle! God bless! I’ll be praying for you!


Thank you so much for your wonderful testimony! It's so exciting for a cradle catholic to get to know the experiences and the faith story from someone who has converted to the cath. church from protestantism. God bless you abundantly!


I truly believe the Holy Spirit led me to your testimony. I was born and raised Catholic years ago, but drifted away from the Church along the way. Now, I feel a great desire and pull to come back home. Your video was just wonderful and you offer so many great suggestions for books to read that will help the process along. God bless you and your family. Thank you.


Welcome to the true church that Jesus founded on earth. God Bless


You gave the best explanation of what it means to be a Catholic. Welcome home and may your faith grow more as a Catholic.


Scott Hahn is a easy read. I don't like to read, but l can read his books. I read most of his books and they are Excellent 👍


Thanks for sharing, I also came from Protestan background. Now I am in the Catholic church and am so happy about it. I conduct a small group of prayer and Bible teachings for Catholics. God bless you.


I'm seeing a Catholic Answer Apologist in the making. I enjoyed everything from start to finish. Thank you for sharing and welcome home


Welcome home - to the true and only Church. Many more miracles await
