The Truth About Speaking In Tongues l Mar Mari Emmanuel

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#marmariemmanuel #speakingintongues #watchthink

God invites all to believe in his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who saved us, shed his blood on the cross, according to scripture, that whosoever believes has eternal life. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Heavenly Father except through him, the only mediator between man and God.
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Acknowledgements and thanks to these wonderful Christians. For more full length videos and further Bible studies go to:
Olive Tree Ministries @Jan Markell
Pastor Kiran Kumar @Bible Believers Ministries India
Peter Svetlik @aus Glauben leben (German Language)
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel; answers questions by e-mail only
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God is love. The devil cannot survive where love is


I respect Bishop very much, I can see he is a man who loves Jesus with all his heart and his preachings are deep and move people and guide them to Jesus, just in this particular topic about speaking in tongues we need to do what he said himself: the love must be first here. I know there are people who sound like ‘blablabla’ when they speak in tongues, there are people who sound like speaking a particular language when they speak in tongue, but there is one thing, if you are not baptised in the Holy Spirit you won’t be able even to say this ‘blablabla’ and be sure this is God speaking, you may imitate others but it won’t be the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, you know it and you start to see and understand things you haven’t understood before, so in this particular case of speaking in tongues I just ask Bishop and other people with all respect: let love be first here just as he said, because thinking : ‘I am better because I speak in tongues’ or ‘I am better because I don’t and I don’t hold people’s hands when I pray’ will guide us to nothing


God is not Chaos, but clarity, Understanding! In NO VARIABLENESS, NOR SHADOW OF TURNING!!😊


The Lord Jesus gives His Spirit to whom He wills. There is the real that has the Spirit of Pentecost. The counterfeit has the spirit of the world. Oh His Spirit is so sweet. The counterfeit is so deceptive.


In 1 Corinthians 14:39 Paul says, “do not forbid speaking in tongues.” Because of this, we don't intend to forbid this gift or to go beyond Scripture and say that it has ceased. It is possible that the gift is used more frequently by God when the gospel is first bring proclaimed in a culture.


I agree with almost everything I've ever heard the Bishop say, except this particular topic. I am a Christian and have been in the charismatic movement for many years and have seen the power of God at work there. It's definitely the power of God and not from something else. And who says everything had to stop at the first century? Don't we need it now more than ever? As time goes on, and things get worse, God's power will be revealed and this will settle the issue.🙏


OMG YES!! That is the real meaning of speaking in tongues, is speaking german, korean, portuguese, japanese. And not "shababrarar basuhabaslslslsslsas"


Yes, thank you Bishop. True Tongues is only needed where people do not understand another language and there needs to be an interpreter as well. This modern Tongues I have always truly felt was actually demonic. Who knows what curses are being said! The people doing it have no idea what they are saying.


Acts 2:1-13 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. This was used to go out and preach the Gospel to every living creature.


I grew up in a church with people speaking in tongues and worked at a Christian youth camp where people spoke in tongues.
All of it is for theatrics. I often overheard pastors and their families and friends' planning at which point in the sermon to speak in tongues, who would do it and who would translate it. I do remember one group of campers from a church in Arizona held classes teaching children to speak in tongues.


Speak holiness with conviction, amen to the Almighty Cross and the Lord MarYah, Yeshuaaaa 💜✝️🛐


It is widely believed that God is not the father of confusion, and it does not set well with me that quite ofthen speaking in tongues, as they call it sounds very confusing... I agree the tongues the apostles had.. desend on them was instantly knowing earthly foreign language not to babble.. That brings confusion..


Speaking or talking In Tongue' the blessing that Jesus gave the disciples, so they could teach/speak and understand the gentile nations language, when they went out to teach the gospel..


dear Sir MAr MAri. It's the truth. Thanks for your teaching.


“Tongues” is simply old English for the word “languages”. Nothing more to it. NIFB preachers like Anderson, Pozarnsky, David, Fannin and more explain this perfectly.


The bible teaches there is more than one tongue one is a language the other only GOD understands CHECK IT OUT !!!


Amen, for The language of God's, LOVE.


I am Aramaean and speak Aramaic.
In Aramaic the tongue has two meanings: the organ and the language that people speak


1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."