Climate Change Melting 'Dooms Day' Glacier Ten Times Faster Than Expected

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New research has shown that parts of the ice shelf which ‘buttresses’ Antarctica’s Thwaites glacier is melting ten times faster than expected. What is the cause of this and how does this impact sea level rise?


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Have scientists tried opening a bunch of tabs simultaneously with the glacier? That always makes my stuff freeze.


“over the next 30 years, oops, we meant 3 years.”


The little fishy under 'ocean water' at around 0:58-0:59 is charming, at least, even if the news is terrible.


We blew past 1.5c....right now the planets on track for a 2.5c temperature rise...The current data has a time lag by necessity. It's physically impossible to extrapolate cause and effect climate data in real time


I have heard about this since 1980s and nothing has Sea level rising and yet the house building continues in these so called vulnerable areas that are at risk from flooding continues and the banks still offer mortgages and the rich still buy property along the sea


Bangladeshi here we can literally see the effects of sea level rise. Doesn't help that all the rivers are getting filled by people so floods are getting worse


We're all euchred. It's really sad for the youngsters.


Cmon guys, we all know that we are past the point. We need to shift the conversation to how we will survive the new conditions.


There is so so many things happening on this planet from pollution too deforestation extinction of wildlife these are all things that we control
The temperature is sure changing are we responsible maybe and maybe it’s a natural process the planet goes through
One thing for sure our children will be paying the price of our negligence


Sad to see ice that took millions of years to form is melting so fast.
Natural, maybe, but it's possible man altered the melting through pollution.
We must try to undo the damage.
We shouldn't be proud melting these glaciers they should be admired !


West Antartic is active volcano territory. East Antartic is relatively free of volcanoes. West Antartica is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.


As Dante wrote in Il Inferno:
Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch'intrate!
The tipping point of Thwaite's glacier is at hand. The end is nigh! 😢


Where did you get your sea level rise data from?
The Cryosphere report says nothing about 5 millimetre You're out by a factor of about 500. 3 months ago???


Sounds like everyone should end it all right now so no one has endure the torture 🙄


If its ten times faster, the ice slready melted four decades ago and we're already all dead. I knew something was wrong


"..a new study finds that ... subglacial volcanoes and other geothermal "hotspots" are contributing to the melting of Thwaites Glacier, a major river of ice that flows into Antarctica's Pine Island Bay. Areas of the glacier that sit near geologic features thought to be volcanic are melting faster than regions farther away from hotspots.."
So, not just "climate change" then?


Surface contact is Earth crust heat from Solar input. All heat is generated via, Solar that controls our orbits, speed of revolutions and all things are via. What we have no control over. Unless we keep Earth Centre of Gravity and spin stable. Balance has critical effect on our tilting on axial, into more Solar exposure to Earth surface and more -270c of space, when out of Solar exposure. Just thinking.


The temperature graph you used doesn’t seem to show the much warmer temperatures of the late 1800’s to the 1940’s. This period has been erased / manipulated out of current published graphs and figures; especially the famous ‘hockey stick’.
This period still has the hottest state temperatures in USA and in one year in Paris 40, 000 died from the heatwave.
It was also much hotter during the Roman and Medieval warm periods where the poles must have reduced in ice during those times. Greenland was settled and farmed successfully until it became too cold and they left. England grew grapes to rival French wines; which can’t be done today because it’s too cold.
The little ice age caused the ice to return and build up again. Historical paintings from that period show glaciers hitting the valley floors in Chamonix France during the summer. When it started to warm in the early 1800’s before the Industrial Revolution they had already started their retreat. All natural.
After the little ice age Glacier bay started to lose miles of glaciers. It started this well before the Industrial Revolution in 1850, so this must have been natural.
The current sea level rise has not accelerated. It remains at around 2mm per year so by 2100 will be less than 1 foot. Something man can adapt and cope with.


Not even including thermal expansion of the ocean and weight differences- billions of tons or more that was on the N and S all of a sudden rests on coastlines-
Big big trouble is Coming to all nations make absolutely no mistake about that and science will never admit just how severe it is now, and how bad or disastrous it's going to be when your kid today is 25 or 30.


Gla-cee-er? How about pronouncing it Glasher? If I ever say Gla-cee-er I want someone to kick me in the shins.
