Adjust Back Tailbone (HOW TO) Pop and Crack Without Chiro

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Some are interested in cracking or popping the tailbone. In this lesson, how to adjust the back tailbone involves the hip and knee. The pressure is mostly on the lower back and hip with the knee and calf thrust down close to the floor as possible. The adjustment can be heard with a small pop. It sounds scary, but the relief from pain and tension is so worth it.
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Sir, I have had pain in my tailbone for 2 years since giving birth, where I couldn't sit up from laying on my back without rolling to the side first. I only got one side to crack, but the pain is gone, just like that. May you have a long, happy, healthy life, brother!!!


Holy crap Ive been living with a tingle in my tail bone for years knowing if I could juuuust crack it it would feel better and this worked!!


3 years of pain after falling down stairs. Just tried it. IT WORKS! :D


Couldn't get into chiropractor until next week for annoying tailbone pain due to some tweak I did in downhill running, probably when I almost tripped over boulders. This youtube video actually fixed it. Quick pop as advertised, pain gone...amazing. Now hopefully I'm not in a wheelchair next week.


K but when he first laid his legs on the floor it looked like he was off toy story when Andy comes😂


Bro you saved my life... this pain was killing me thank you


Good job. I had some bad pain in my tailbone from a poorly executed deadlift and found instant relief by popping my tailbone. I simply crossed by ankles and squeezed my glutes tightly.


In my experience this did it for me!!! I was having the WORST pain ever and i did this 2xs and it was the only thing that took the pain away. I couldn't believe it. Maybe it didnt work for others its a diff situation but in my case.... u saved my life! Thnx


I wasn't able to get the pop on either side, but after following this technique, i am able to sit down on a chair without excruciating pain. Huge relief on my lower back, just above the tail bone. Thank you so much, Rico the back pain helper :) For those who can't hear the pop, it may be okay to use this technique for stretching purposes. Upon repeating this technique, i heard a pop between my left hip and knee, the same leg that was also experiencing cramps earlier. ~ kash


I had an annoying feeling in the back right hip that felt like it needed to pop. So I tried your method. Everything else in my body cracked and popped except that one spot. I wasn’t sure if the sounds were caused by my osteoporotic bones giving way, or my arthritic joints cracking. I was afraid to move. Good thing I had my phone sitting right next to me.

So, I played word games until most of the pain went away and I could move again. I’m steadily pluggin’ along. I still have that annoying pain in the hip. Looking for another hip-cracking video.


Doesn't work for me. I used to be able to just squeeze my spincter muscles really tight and it would pop on its own but no more. Guess manual adjustment is next


I did this on my neighbor, and it's been 1 year already since the adjustment and will be seeing him at the cemetery this coming November


So I landed really hard on my tailbone at the skating rink last weekend, and it hurts a lot to stand up but it feels really similar to when one of my joints hurt because they need to be popped, I will try this and edit with my update on how it worked 👍

I gave up.


When he did the very first pop I lost it!!! I was in so munch pain and a lil grumpy but then seeing that was just hilarious hes soo friggin cute 🥰


I did it for 3 days and pain went away! I could not walk 3 weeks ago and now walking with and without walker. Can use toilet without raised seat. Thank you for this. For pain, use Lidocaine patch. Do not use Icy Hot. Too hard to remove.


Ok holy crap. I always hurt and I am like if I could crack it would feel better. No one got it when I said the bump in the middle of my lower back! I’m so freaking happy. I’ve had pain on and off for yrs! It worked for me and I just felt a release of pain THANK YOU! 🙏🏼


Thanx a lot I’m in the hospital now for trying this


The way to pop tailbone is to lay on side half of stomach on ground, tuck butt in, place hand in crack and twist while squeezing butt in. That will adult tailbone and si joint loud pop.


I'm 16 and had tailbone pain for a week. I had no injuries but it's painful and it feels really tight. When I sit down leaning backwards it hurts a lot. But when I dance or walk I feel no pain. Please tell me when it's going to heal. I have to sit in school for 10hrs a day😭😭


Pro tip: does not work if your hips are double jointed :(
