$1,000 vs. $10,000 Telescope (Same Picture)

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We took pictures of the same deep-space object using 2 very different telescopes. These are the results (don't forget to vote!)





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The quality of each image is top notch. Very impressive detail for the exposure times on each one and most importantly, a great adventure for you both together. Trevor's pic gains a lot from the color separation but Ash has a better smile so she wins.


No comparison, you both win, on 2 points. 1 Awesome job of capturing and love the two different perspectives
from two different rigs. 2, and most importantly, enjoying the hobby as a couple. How fun is that!


Wonderful comparison!! I’ll take the $10 billion telescope. Thanks!
For the Earthbound scopes though I’d say it’s a tie. Both are well captured and processed. Certainly that Redcat is a great 51mm scope!


Ashley has become a good astrophotographer herself! Both photos were great in their own way.


I'm holding out for the $10, 000, 000, 000 telescope! Altho the $10, 000 was very impressive


I love these, I am a begginer astronomer Saving for my first camera. Trevor always gives me great tips throughout the videos. Keep it up!


Perhaps this has been requested in the many comments already posted, but it would be fascinating to see the results of a 'Round 2' comparison where camera/filter rigs are switched. I'd love to see RGB from the big scope and SHO/narrowband results from the smaller one. As far as the vote? Both are great. Judge them by their merits in the context of the capabilities of their equipment.


Excellent images! Way beyond my ability for sure! I want to vote for Ashley's images simply because it seemed like Trevor was a little too giddy about how much better his setup was than Ash's. ;) Still, both images were far better than anything I could do. Great job both of you!


Maybe lazy scoring, but both are 10/10!! As someone who's imaged a year with even wider optics (Rokinon 135mm) and now even deeper with an 8" SCT, I think a good question/analogy is this; do you want to see one beautiful tree up close, or the equally beautiful forest around it?


Interesting comparison! Both images were great. Not sure if it was fair to process Ashley's image as RGB and the other as SHO, since the SHO is more colorful. An identical closeup view of the Pillars of Creation with both scopes would provide a nice contrast as to the level of detail capable and different in both scopes/cameras. The Redcat with the ASI2400MC gives an image scale of 4.9 sec/pixel. The Esprit 150 with the ASI2600MM gives an image scale of .74 sec/pixel. It would have been nice if the image scales for both telescopes were closer. I personally use a Redcat 51 and a 102mm refractor.


Both look amazing. Excellent quality in both images. Your pictures and videos are always inspiring. I say it's a tie. You both get a 10.


Oh man THE PILLARS OF CREATION!!! William Optics did a great job not gonna lie but Esprit was just on another level altogether. Loved both of them. Keep up the great work Trevor.


Truly amazing! I have been a photographer for close to 45 years. I never saw images like these until the Hubbell images. I still am amazed it is possible to get these quality of images from home gear. So I bought a tracker and will start with my mirrorless camera gear.


Both seriously good results, neither would be better as both show a different perspective on the the eagle nebula and the pillars of creation. 🔭 Clear skies


Great to see Ash taking part. Personally I think you’ve introduced too many variables. I have a Radian 61 (yes you sold it to me) and a C9.25 with HyperStar. I have the same cameras as you and I have to say the monochrome give so much more data in so any ways than the OSC. To be fair you should really swap the cameras around.
It would make a great follow up and you could also do in to the differences in data and processing.
All the best! 🔭


Okay. Trevor, your photo is stunning, as you got more detail in the Pillars. Ashley, your image is also stunning. I'm HUGE on wide field shots, so I'm going to have to go with Ashley's image. I've also took a similar image like hers. My vote goes to Ashley!


Wide field vs longer focal length. RGB vs SHO. Hmm … tough call. The Red Cat is more in my budget and Ashley’s processing is very good, but I love the focal length and SHO of Trevor’s. Can I just vote for Rudy? You two are awesome! Dr B from Manitoba, Canada 🇨🇦


Any chance of running this head to head again but with the camera systems swapped? might give people a better idea of the differences and what type of setup that might work best for them


Incredible pictures 10 to both of you. I'm about half a year in astrophotography, still learning from mistakes each night, steeeep learning curve but I'm enjoying every minute of it. I know there are videos about post processing, watched them, but I'm really interested in the way you are doing it. Would love to watch an unedited, not speeded up longer video :)


awesome pics at the end you guys. It's so nice seeing how far Ashley has come in her blossoming Astrophotography journey! You 3 guys are living the dream!
