PokéTuber Reacts to Jaiden's 'Darkest Pokémon Game'

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Jaiden Animations made a video about Pokémon XD, one of my most beloved and one of the least-cared-about Pokémon games out there (so of course I need to react to it)

I make Pokemon videos, such as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet content, Pokemon Legends Arceus content, Pokemon playthrough challenges, Top 10 or Top 5 Pokemon videos, Pokemon Talk, Pokemon Meme Review, and lots more! If you're any level of Pokemon fan, subscribe for videos you're sure to love!

Edited by Katie Rose!

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“That man has skipped leg day FROM BIRTH.”

Lmao that cracked me up. I think it was the delivery and timing, lol— spot on.


I find it interesting that colosseum and gale of darkness are apparently not very popular or well known, when basically every poketuber I ever watched has talked about/knows about/played these games. And lots of people seem to care about them as well. Am I wrong in this assumption?


When she said that Jovi was missing and no one was looking for her. I just bursted out laughing


“Nobody cares about these games and I hope Jaiden talking about them will change that.”

Ugh, yes, PLEASE 😭 Colosseum was such a huge part of my childhood. I’m currently writing a novelization/retelling of the game because I just love it so freaking much. The Orre games deserve more love.


My favorite line in the game is during the Phenac City takeover where a Cipher Peon disguised as Justy says he disguised himself as Justy to impress the ladies, except all the ladies in town are currently disguised Cipher Peons too, so there was no point.


Side note, James turner designed some awesome pokemon. Buzzwole, obstagoon, and gmax gengar are some of my favorite pokemon designs ever ♥️


Every time a pokétuber makes a video about obscure pokémon gems, I long more for the day that Pokémon Conquest gains the recognition it deserves. It's such a great game, would highly recommend.


IMO, the BEST animation detail in PLA is if an Alpha Pokemon defeats what you have sent out, and you're about to pick another Pokemon to battle
The way the Alpha LOOKS at the player is.... *Terrifying*


I love how the Pokemon Community is so wholesome and everyone reacts to each other.


The only reason why I watched this video is to see Mikey's reaction to the name change from Michael to Jaiden, absolutely brilliant moment


Jaiden : I’m 60% sure they stopped
My brain: if it is not 100% accurate it is 50% accurate


I also played this as a kid-before getting into the main series proper with Diamond-but as I’ve grown up, I’ve also come to appreciate the better AI.

Like, in mainline, you more or less just smack everyone for supereffective damage and win; very rarely do opponents have strategies, and even then it’s more just Whitney using Rollout (doesn’t really count, does it) or every notable Kingdra screwing with accuracy or evasion (which, in actual competitive, is very illegal). Not so in XD: many trainers actually build their teams around proper strategies, things you might actually see people do if you go into Gen 3 doubles. And what do you know, it makes for a far more interesting game.

I really wish mainline AI would get that kind of upgrade. I also wish mainline would do double battles as standard like XD did, wanted that since I first played it.


One of the few poketubers who reaction content I enjoy and don’t feel lazy. Keep up the great work!


I'd love to see Grunty Boi or Team Sky play this game. That would be excellent


Jaiden:*changes the name to Jaiden*
Mikey: Why are we still here…?
just to suffer…
Metagross: *gets earthquaked* Why are we still here…??
Jaiden: *Gets emotionally neglected* Why are we still here….???


mandjtv videos are always so wholesome to me :} hes one of my favorite youtubers because he always gives off this sweet vibe to me, keep doing great work man


Mirror B. Actually has a great side storyline in XD. If you keep encountering him at the poke spots you can get all the shadow Pokemon you missed. In addition to that the followers that were attached to him also have a fun plot line. I love it


I decided to just start the game. When you were talking about finding the sister under the table gave you so much trouble, you had to go to your room, get an email, find an OLD DUDE under the table, and he'll tell you to go to the mansion to find the sister there. Hope that cleared something up. (:


Pretty sure that name change was the most anticipated reaction in this whole video. Was not disappointed 😆


I can strongly relate to the point that Jaiden got stuck on as a kid, I never beat pokemon black and white2 as a kid because of this one point where team plasma blocks your path, and I come back to it now to find out that they literally tell you where to go.