Heir & Spare: William & Harry (2023) - FULL DOCUMENTARY

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Heavy is the head that wears the crown, but heavier is the burden of being next in line.

The British Royal family is built on the traditional duty until death. For every heir to the throne, there is a spare.

The eldest son of King Charles III, Prince William, is next in line, leaving his brother Harry on the sidelines.

Despite being close during their childhood and teenage years, the looming pressure of the expectations of the crown has driven a wedge between the brothers.

When one steps up, the other must step back.

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I Think sometimes people seem to forget Prince William lost his mother too.


We tend to overlook how difficult William's childhood was, though I do remember thinking that he seemed to be very shy in comparison to Harry and thought that he might find the burden of being the heir difficult, but Catherine has supported him and been at his side when he has needed her throughout an even more difficult period of his life.


It is sad that people who are leveled headed like William always get overlooked, they were both under the brutal spotlight all their lives and lost their mother, but no one saw William was suffering as badly as Harry and praise his exceptional capability to cope with his life! Spectators always focus on whomever makes the loudest noise in public!


I think it speaks volumes that William sought out that nanny and she was a guest at his wedding.


Megan was not a ‘movie star’ LMAO majority of ppl didn’t even know about her


Loss and grief. My heart goes out to all children who have lost parents. From the separation to their mums death. One loss after the other.


I would think being the "spare" would be a pretty sweet gig -- all of the perks of being a royal with only a fraction of the pressure and responsibility.


I love how playful Diana was with them. Her cheeky fun side sat well especially with little boys.


Let's be clear.. harry ceased to be the "spare" as soon as George was borne as his direct heir.. In fact.. he was never even a real spare.. as William had George before Prince Charles ascended the throne.


I don’t understand the fascination with Harry being the spare, and being overlooked. He isn’t the first and he won’t be the last. Anne was overlooked once Andrew was born, now Harry is overlooked now that George, Charlotte and Luis are in the picture. This is how it goes with the spare…as more are born in the line, they become lesser.


I am a 49 year old from the U.S. I have no ties to the monarchy whatsoever. (As far as I know) I have always been interested and immensely respected the royals. Like many, I was so devastated when the world lost our Princess. I was one of theUS citizens who was skeptical but excited when Harry and Meghan started courting. However I had a feeling she wouldn't be good for Harry more than anything do the cultural differences I've seen that in my own family. Megan has no respect whatsoever for Harry's culture I was actually a fan until I realize the damage she has done. Harry I know you miss your mom but you have chosen evil over good and I understand your struggles even though I'm not a royal or a princess by far add me the same mistakes. It's so very sad so very sad that Harry allowed Megan to ruin his relationship with his family.


The looking btw heir and spare such huge difference.
Prince William is born to be heir. We are glad god chooses him.


The calmness of William saying to the paparazi after the Opera Interview "we are very much not a racist family" is so admirable. Sounds like a future King to me.


Imagine being under a microscope from the moment you were born? I used to think being a royal must be so fulfilling and glamorous, but now I realize it’s a life filled with scrutiny, competition, judgement and gossip. There’s no amount of money, palaces, and crowns that would make me give up my privacy and peace.

Peace & privacy = priceless.


I’m 39 & have just lost my mum, I cannot imagine the bravery of William! He was 15 🥲 hearing him talking to other bereaved people is inspiring ❤ I really admire him


William is kinda son you wanna have as a heir… he understands duty


Paul Burrell gets crazier with every interview. W & H did not call him "Uncle Paul" and it was not his job to change their diapers.


I love the documentary, but I dont feel bad for Harry at all, people forget The King had two brothers, and the late Her Majesty the Queen had a sister, these spares all found their own lane and went on to have their own careers. Dont forget the daughter of the Queen, Princess Anne, who held the firm strong.


I feel Harry was always jealous of Wills. 👑 Wills has class, Harry hasn't..🥱
Wills will make a truly amazing KING 👑 I hope I'm still alive when it happens. God bless the Royal family. 🖤🖤🖤🖤


I CANNOT imagine the vast amount of sadness that a 12 and 15 year old feels when their parent dies tragically! My mother AND stepmother both died when I was 27 (two months apart) and I had nightmares for two years straight afterward.
