[Behavioral 5] Mediator design pattern with TypeScript example
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Benefits of the Mediator Pattern:
1. Decoupling: Components don’t need to know the details of other components, reducing dependencies.
2. Centralized Control: All interaction logic is placed in the mediator, which makes it easier to change or extend.
3. Improved Maintainability: Since components only know the mediator, changes in one component are less likely to impact others.
When to Use It:
• When multiple objects interact with each other in complex ways and change the interaction logic often.
• When you want to reduce the dependencies between interacting objects.
This approach can make your system more modular and easier to maintain.
1. Decoupling: Components don’t need to know the details of other components, reducing dependencies.
2. Centralized Control: All interaction logic is placed in the mediator, which makes it easier to change or extend.
3. Improved Maintainability: Since components only know the mediator, changes in one component are less likely to impact others.
When to Use It:
• When multiple objects interact with each other in complex ways and change the interaction logic often.
• When you want to reduce the dependencies between interacting objects.
This approach can make your system more modular and easier to maintain.