His Death Was Blamed On Alligators For 17 Years?! The Murder Of Mike Williams

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This happened in my hometown. I'll never forget seeing his mother, in her little pigtails, walking up and down the street with signs about her missing son. His face has always been in my head. I'm so glad he was finally found, even though it's heartbreaking. He was there the entire time.


Mike’s mom was a superstar. She’s the one I’d hope my family would be like if I went missing. She never gave up. She is truly an awesome human being.


It was against her faith to divorce, but ok to murder. This is Insane. Condolence to Mike's dear family. His mother is. Warrior! ❤


Im almost positive that he wouldve confessed with just a lesser sentence. Full immunity is such a slap in the face especially when you hear the details.


What’s also crazy is Mike dated Kathy first, but Bryan said he liked her so Mike basically let him date her and then he dated Denise after, so Bryan just wanted to be Mike in my opinion


"I would rather be a widow than a divorcee" *files for divorce years later anyways*


Okay, real quick… Are we gonna talk about how insane it is to call your partner to have them LEAVE WORK to come and pump your gas for you? I mean, what the fuck?


I can't imagine how Mike was feeling. Absolutely heartbreaking. Know this man loved his wife and best friend, and they are the ones who took his life


Have I heard about this case before? Yes. Did I still watch this video? Yes.


His tears while talking about what he did to his BEST FRIEND…. makes me sick to my stomach. I cannot imagine panicking trying to NOT drown and watching my best friend just watch it all happen and not help me.


imagine two of the closest people to you doing this …. this is why the world is so scary, you never truly know people and it’s horrifying. rip mike, you should’ve had a long life ahead of you if not for these sick people :(


During the sentencing of Bryan W., that girl has the audacity to cry in front of the courtroom and say "I am asking you to sentence him for life for the crimes he has committed. It comes down to my life or his. And I'm asking you please, choose mine."

She has the nerve to say those words when she herself orchestrated the murder of her husband. She is pure pure evil. I hope and pray that her physical body and soul never leave the 4 corners of her jail for all eternity.


It’s so sad that Ms. Cheryl (Mike’s mom) never saw her granddaughter again, and to this day they are estranged 😢


This lady holding the sign, with her little pigtails is absolutely tearing me apart!!! Oh my gosh dude. God bless her soul. What a dedicated mother ❤


Mike's mother she fought for justice for her son a true warrior ❤


The fact that Brian got absolutely no punishment for murdering his so called best friend has me so infuriated. I do get that without that, they may not have solved the case, but it feels too much to me. However, if Cheryl had agreed to this, then that's absolutely her right of course. Who knows what I would do in her situation if it were my son? I only hope I'm even half the mother she is 💚


I can't imagine asking my husband to leave work to pump my gas for me. That's something where even if someone is nice enough to do it, it seems really rude and exploitive to actually ask them to.


His testimony might’ve been the hardest watch on your whole channel, the thoughts of that betrayal and confusion in his last moments, truly heartbreaking


She didn’t wanna get a divorce because of her faith, but was fine murdering him instead?! Denise is not gonna like her judgement day…
Cheryl we love you girl, she is the mother we all strive to be or have she’s amazing RIP Mike


She'd rather be a widow instead of a divorcee?... um try more like murderer 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ instead of widow 🤷‍♀️
