America's Coming National Debt Crisis

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America is trillions of dollars in debt. And the problem is projected to get much worse. So, what are the consequences when the bill comes due?

As of 2021, the federal government was in the hole by $23 trillion dollars. If all that government debt got called in tomorrow, every household in America would get a bill for more than $175,000.

So, why do we have so much debt? The biggest culprits are benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare. In recent years, the amount of money the federal government has taken in through taxes has been eaten up entirely by mandatory spending on these kinds of programs. Every other thing the government does – from NASA to the Pentagon to scientific research — went right on the credit card.

What are the consequences if we keep doing this? Well, it could play out a lot of ways … but none of them are good: higher taxes, painful spending cuts, more inflation. No one’s enthusiastic about this future, but here’s the key: If we make tough decisions now, we can spare ourselves even worse pain later.


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Sound | Artlist: "Arise" (Roman P), "Feeling Lucky" (Balloon Planet), SFX Library // Premium Beat: "Water Garden" (Hidden) // Pond5 // Premium Soundcloud Library

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Don't call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement for those who paid in.


America is unfortunately completely screwed


Here’s an idea… why not stop spending most of the money on the military. instead use the money to help fix our country, snd improve the lives of its citizens. We don’t need to be big brother to the country, and use money to buy 2.2 billion dollar spy planes, guard opium poppy fields, and invade any country not under the control of the world bank. If we truly cared about the welfare of all humans then why aren’t we in Africa helping end the civil wars, horrible mistreatment of African population, and helping bring food and water to those in need. 108 billion pounds of food is wasted every year in the United States. That’s 130 billion meals a year on average. If we could cut the the waste in half, our country alone could supply enough food to keep all of Africa fed for 1/4 the year. It’s my opinion that the powers at be want the problems with the economy, snd society and a whole to get worse. That way when people get desperate enough, they’ll submit to any changes in government that will improve their lives. Even if that means giving up their human rights. That’s my two cents into the issues.


If we weren’t sending billions of dollars to other Countries that we have no business in & supporting whole countries full of indigent citizens, it would certainly help matters. Oh, not to mention a corrupt government.


One thing is for certain. We have a "judgement of Biblical proportions" coming for this country which if you want to remain sane, you might not want to imagine. And no, it is not the fault of those scoundrels in Washington, it is our fault, the peoples fault.

We were supposed to be a govt "by the people". We have utterly failed at that. That idea would presupposed that in personal matters we are able to govern ourselves. Obviously we are not.

One example would be the fact that 70% of us are overweight and half of those are obese. TOTALLY a thing of personal choice, and the remedy of this is totally a thing of personal choice, it doesnt require doctors. Note, being overweight is the cause of most health problems, and ANY national health plan will be totally financially broken by this nonsense. This fact has been totally known for decades. As hard as it might be to say it, our govt should have no interest in keeping people alive, especially people who quite obviously dont want to be alive.

Another huge thing is evasion and avoidance of taxes. About 400 billion a year. And that does not even consider the people who file every year, but cheat on their taxes. I know many people who pay no taxes and say that we are fools to not cheat on taxes. "It is the Amercan way". What could the national debt look like if everyone was honest about taxes? Would it even exist??

Our system presupposes that people are honest. Honest people do not cheat on, or avoid taxes. Think about that the next time you claim that you are honest. Lets face it, you very likely arent.

I could go on.

We are soon going to finally see bodies in the ditches in this land. We will be invaded and governed in ways you might not want to imagine. It is inevitable. We did it to ourselves, and there is no one to blame but ourselves. In the USSR there were 40 million murdered to install their regime. In China, 60 million noncombatants, again, mostly farmers, murdered.

Believe it, some way, somehow, that will be us in the future. We do not have the personal self discipline to fix our problems.

We can cry cry cry, and complain, complain, about "whats wrong with this country". But, look closer to home to find the real answer.


Incredible videos and production quality


We are 200 trillion dollars in debt when you add in unfunded liabilities which are a promise to pay in the future, such sounds like debt. Every tax payer is on the hook for roughly 1.6 million dollars and it will greatly multiply with our federal government spending far more than they take in. I am not calling for higher taxes because that only results in less tax revenue. It is time to tighten our belts and vote in Congress member who will not only run on a balanced budget, but one that shows a large surplus every year. Have a great day.


They better figure out how to get that astroid down here. It's worth 10, 000 quintillion dollars.


How about the money to other countries and corruption of our politicians???


Increase revenue, cut spending. Not that hard.


Loving the Narration and Palatability of these videos.


How much did we spend in Afghanistan. We just gave Ukraine 44 billion dollars. What the hell are talking about


The USA has no plans on paying any of this debt back traditional. When people realize that, the jig is up.


I am no financial or economic guru, but to me it's very simple: If you spend more than you bring in at your house and don't make some changes, you are in trouble because it will eventually catch up with you.

My advice to the average person: Forget about the American Dream because it's an illusion. Live simply, eat simply but nutritiously, save as much as you can as often as you can (not for luxury items and the unaffordable home but for the unforseen so you don't go into serious debt), and take care of your mind, body, and spirit.

And if your life is as mine is presently- few cares and no worries- be thankful.🙏


Wrong. The ‘National Debt’ is the amount of savings bonds. That 23 trillion in savings accounts.


What about the trillions spent on a wall instead of paying the debt


This means that the USA is on the verge of bankruptcy. The budget deficit is still big, and if this recession/depression widens the funding gap, the budget deficit will be vast in no time. The greatest help the powers to be came up with was to increase the demand for the US dollar so that it skyrockets in value relative to other currencies. This in turn drove other countries into recession and it'll cause an injury back home when the effect boomerangs. The appreciation of the US dollar is probably over by now, and there will be no help from that angle anymore. This in turn causes the United States to face a recession/depression to no avail.


guys wake up! us doesn't own the dollar


The power of the US federal government is delegated from the 50 self-governing states of the United States.

According to Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, no U.S. government shall pay its debts in currencies other than gold and silver. That is the U.S. dollars or any kind of IOU is used for paying the national debt is a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution: Deprives states of power

No country shall enter into any treaty, alliance or federation; grant trademarks and letters of retaliation; coin money; issue letters of credit; offer anything other than gold or silver coins as a tender for debt repayment; pass any acquirer act, post hoc law or damage contractual obligations laws, or confer any title of nobility.
