Why NO ONE Plays: Rell | League of Legends

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Ordinarily for Why NO ONE Plays, I don't cover champions unless they have an extensive history and/or lifespan as it's too soon to tell if a new champion is popular or not. But I made an exception for this episode because Rell had a noticeably worse initial launch than any of her fellow contemporaries. So today's episode will be featuring Rell: The Iron Maiden!

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#Rell #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays
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I've never understood why Riot chose to make Rell a support. Her entire lore is that she's a loner who doesn't trust other people and she was literally raised to kill Mordekaiser. Why she wasn't developed as a a top laner is beyond me.


As a Rell main the reason starts and ends with moving at 250 ms when you dismount. The other reasons in this video are correct too but nothing feels worse than your champion handicapping themselves.


I started playing Rell the second she was released and I agree with everything that was said here. She's really good at what she does and I love her play style, but without coordination from your team, there's no way you're going to be effective.


For someone who’s suppose to be a strong, tanky, mage, and loner Rell heavily relies upon the common sense of her teammates.


The problem with Rell is that she's hard to pick up but mastering her doesn't really give you much. Rell plays a lot more risky only to offer underwhelming crowd control, no real reason to pick her up over other tank engage supports.


I'm amazed that you managed to predict what her E would become with the rework, since it is now a movement boost to you and an ally


Tbh I was very confused by her release. There was no introduction, no trailer, no event bound to her and battle queens event spotlight was stolen by Diana which is quite upsetting since i literally realized about Rell's existence only once I saw her in my game (I say this as Diana main).

At the same time I love her addition to the game. She's one of very few recent characters that have easy to understand abilities and doesn't feel stupidly powerful to drive me insane.


I want to see more power put into her passive.

Her Break the Mold passive makes her an anti-tank tank, that you pick when your team both needs a frontline and something to deal with the enemy teams frontline at the same time.

I want to see the %resist theft increase with level and her Q apply it to all targets instead of just the first one.


I generally play her because she's just funner in general compared to other engage supports. I've tried playing champs like Leona, but I find her way too straightforward and boring. Rell also just has better teamfighting, and I don't care what you say but hitting that sweet w-r combo on the entire team is the best feeling in all of league


I think Rell could be genuinely viable if they'd just give her ult the Poppy W treatment, and stop any dashes trying to leave it. Her kit relies on her being able to go in and lock down enemies, while soaking damage like a sponge. So if half the champions in the game could dodge her full combo with a single ability click, she's going to feel pretty awful.


I like my mains and am good with them
Vars: "why No one plays"
Me: stop it, wasnt illaoi, chogath, nasus, kayle, corki, azir, aurelion sol and kalista enough?


How to fix Rell. Remove the needless attack speed limiter, make E usable without a ally nearby (a small circle around her), and finally, lengthen Q just a little bit.


Oh Rell is so much fun...when you get a duo and coordinate well. I get why shes unpopular but she has to have her crippling weaknesses to get her amazing strenght and teamfight potential...sort of like taric.

I like rell as she is ...theres 156 champs not everyone can be popular .


There is no worse feeling in the game than being slowed in the middle of the enemy team as a melee champ, unables to do anything as their whole team kites you and melts you down. Rell's gameplay is entirely based on that. She might as well Polymorph herself for 3 seconds after every spell.


Because she has too many tools and Riot had to put a lot of restrains so that she did not become a monster (slow attack speed, bad tank stats, q low range, w's movement speed cap, etc). She is very punishing if you fail.

And it is a pity she has such low playrate, she has one of the most original kits and her fantasy power, ferromancy, is very cool. Her visual design is also amazing


When I first saw Rell, I thought "huh, a champion I haven't heard of yet." then I saw her kit and thought "yeah, I can see why no-one's talked about her." then I saw her interactions and thought "why the hell haven't people been talking about her?" now, with this video I really want to play her because damn those plays look interesting


i actually played Rell a lot on release, and every time I ran into a case where I missed my engage then had to trudge my way out of getting dogpiled as the slowest thing in the game just slowly going


you forgot to mention that rell also has the lowest damage of tank supports, and that her stun becomes unusable if her ally is too far or dead, meaning she's one of the worst supports at surviving if her ADC dies in early lane.


atrract and repel addition: after snapping the tether the tethered ally and any allies caught in the snap get a flat 150 movement speed towards her for 1.5s


I got my M7 on Rell shortly after her release because I love her agressive playstyle.
My only changes would be to make ult bigger or make it anchor enemies, and make her stun work if alone, even if is just a circle around her.
Maybe you have 'short' cc time, but you gotta play her right as you can engage then wait for enemies to run a bit and cc'em again, she got a sick aoe, is not made to lock down, is made to chase, all about positioning and it implies to know how to play an adc so you can know when to protect or chase when needed.
Her only sin is to be made for teamwork.
