Different Types of Heat Exchangers 📌 #heatexchanger #heattransfer #thermodynamics #engineering

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Different Types of Heat Exchangers 📌 #heatexchanger #heattransfer #thermodynamics #engineering #shorts

A heat exchanger is a device that allows heat to be transferred from one fluid to another, with conduction, convection, and radiation as the three acknowledged ways of heat transfer. Heat exchangers are used in both cooling and heating processes. The fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact.
Few examples of Heat exchangers are Air preheaters, economizers, evaporators, superheaters, condensers, and cooling towers.

Types of Heat Exchangers:
Tubular heat exchanger
Floating head heat exchanger
Immersed coil heat exchange
Plate heat exchanger
Plate fin heat exchanger
Jacket heat exchanger
U-tube heat exchanger
Tube heat exchanger
Spiral plate heat exchanger
Spray heat exchanger
Heat pipe heat exchanger

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