How to Be Kind Without Being Viewed As Weak or Naive

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Can you be super-positive -- especially in a cutthroat business -- without coming off as weak or naive? Here’s how to use your kindness as a strength.
#MarieTV #EntrepreneurTips #Kindness

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At my current job my co worker has made a joke saying "something is wrong with you, you are too happy all the time." I think the opposite of what he does. I think there is everything right with being happy and living in a space of positivity because ultimately that is what allows me to do the best work and be the best me I can be. Love your response to this Q and A


Never stop being kind, it’s who you are. Be discriminating about what you allow and never let anyone change who you are.🙏


Never mistake kindness for weakness. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not someone who understands the rules of power.


I've never heard of anyone viewing positivity in a negative way. In fact, we need more positive people in this world.


Hi Marie, Your video really inspire me! - Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.


Everyone around me always told me my kindness and empathy is my biggest strength but also my biggest weakness. They all view this as a great trait but also as a trait that begs others to take advantage of me. And I try (unsuccessfully) to suppress it but it’s just not me. When I live true to myself, I get people who DO take advantage of me or use it against me. I have no idea what to do :(


It's like going out into the desert and being a bright shining flower - you will wilt within minutes.
Best to stay with the tribe who value you for who you are - with people who consider your core strengths a bonus - not a weakness.


I Love what you said here: "The future of business is about being more connected to your humanity, not less." I do believe that the more we express the truth of who we are, the more we will raise the consciousness of this planet... and experience more joy and peace at the same time. Thanks Marie, and thanks for being an uplifting force in this world.


As long as other people see that you are professional and know how to do your job you can do it in your own style. People who see positivity and kindness as a weakness have their own issues and agendas, maybe they want your job and want to make you feel insecure. As Marie said, ignore them.


Thank you so much Marie! As a musician/producer, i got a great example of "suppressing a part of who you are" and how it can lead to failure/waste of time/depression:

A year ago i started working with a band that i didn't feel comfortable with, on a musical AND human level, but for some reason decided NOT to follow my inner voice telling me this wasn't right. As a result, after months and months of rehearsals: 2 members left the band 1 week before 1st gig and entering the studio... While being in the studio, things weren't working out and everyone told me to change each and every stuff in my sound, as a result i didn't recognize anything i recorded after the session. And at the end of the year, the band just splitted so the album never got released. So basically: waste of time, energy/mental health, and lost a lot of money. PEOPLE, FOLLOW YOUR INNER VOICE ;)


i loved the points you made. i'm a very sensitive person in terms of my interactions with other people, i basically wear my heart on my sleeve and it wasn't until maybe last year that someone tried to use that as an insult. it was dscouraging and i self doubted myself for a while but this video reaffirms what i know, that positivity & compassion are strengths. your outlook is really refreshing and encouraging so thank you for that!


I love what you are saying about not suppressing who you are... Being authentic in business is probably one of the most important traits, as in any kind of business if people feel that you are genuine they trust you and are much more likely to work together with you


same thing. i was also told this by many people. dnt know .whether to change or be myself . now i understand the value of being our own self . thanks a lot


I have been going through exactly the same thing and I tried to change myself but ended up feeling way worse. I really appreciate this video and thank you so much! :D


YASSS! I so relate to this question <3 Thank you Marie for your clarity and your you-ness!


Best advice I ever heard I don't even get that from my own mother, not that your trying to be a mother figure but many people can find this kind of useful suggestions. Thanks! Northern Cali here <3 Please keep up the positive work!


Being incredibly optimistic and able to see the best in all situations this really speaks to me..thanks!👏🏻👏🏻


to blossom, put urself in the right ecosystem!! loved it


Thanks for this awesome video Marie! Short and sweet :) I am also a very positive and sweet person who works in a male dominated work environment (auto industry) with very negative vibes all around: disencouragement, swearing, smoking, etc. At first it got to me a little, but i stuck to what I am and i am doing better! Cheers to everyone.


I hit like just because of two things: the title of the video and that adorable song y'all sang to the flowers. LOL
Now, I'm going to watch the rest of the video and I'm 1, 000% sure I will LOVE this because this is EXACTLY the question I've been asking my entire life. Thanks so much to you and the the wonderfully positive sister that wrote this question to you.
It's good to know I'm not the only person who struggles with this. ♡
