Russian (Cyrillic) Alphabet. Letter Ъ (so-called 'hard sign'). Spelling and real pronunciation

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Cyrillic (Russian) - Ъ / ОБЪЕЗД / AB`YEZD or AB-YEZD (detour)
Latin (EN) - signs [ ' ] or [ - ] (not b!) / NO SOUND - like hyphen in words 'check-in', 'father-in-law' etc
So-called HARD SIGN. An unusual letter of the Russian alphabet that has no sound. This letter is used as a connecting element for two words instead of the hyphen [-] or apostrophe ['] in English and other languages. For example in the word CHECK-IN.
It is called a 'hard sign' because, as it were, it fixes the last consonant letter in the first word, without softening by the first vowel of the second word. For example, if you write the word without a hyphen, like this - CHECKIN, then the word will sound a little differently. Therefore, if you replace the hyphen with the Russian letter Ъ, then it will look like this - 'checkЪ in'.
Dear friend! We are glad to welcome you here and present the opportunity to learn Russian in an unusual way. Our channel as well as our website is primarily for travelers. We want the Russians to really understand you, and you to understand the locals. In our opinion, this is the most correct way to learn foreign languages.
In the presented cards, you will find two variants of writing letters. The so-called block (print) and cursive.
The second option can come in handy too, since various signs (boards) are often made in cursive letters, as well as menus in restaurants, bars and cafes.
In addition, we have tried to show you the most accurate pronunciation of individual letters of the Russian alphabet, both outside of words and in the composition of words, choosing the exact analogies of the pronunciation of letters / sounds from Russian and English words.
Remember that in Russian, as in English and many other languages, some letters in various words are often pronounced differently than they are spelled. Our transliterated text (Russian words in Latin letters) does always matches the correct pronunciation! Dashes below letters indicate stress (accent) a certain syllable in a word.
See also:
Russian alphabet fully
Digits and numbers in Russian
Basic words and phrases in Russian
InRussian - online phrasebook and helper for travelers
Learn Russian and visit Russia! Welcome!
#RussianAlphabet #CyrillicLetters #LearnRussian
Latin (EN) - signs [ ' ] or [ - ] (not b!) / NO SOUND - like hyphen in words 'check-in', 'father-in-law' etc
So-called HARD SIGN. An unusual letter of the Russian alphabet that has no sound. This letter is used as a connecting element for two words instead of the hyphen [-] or apostrophe ['] in English and other languages. For example in the word CHECK-IN.
It is called a 'hard sign' because, as it were, it fixes the last consonant letter in the first word, without softening by the first vowel of the second word. For example, if you write the word without a hyphen, like this - CHECKIN, then the word will sound a little differently. Therefore, if you replace the hyphen with the Russian letter Ъ, then it will look like this - 'checkЪ in'.
Dear friend! We are glad to welcome you here and present the opportunity to learn Russian in an unusual way. Our channel as well as our website is primarily for travelers. We want the Russians to really understand you, and you to understand the locals. In our opinion, this is the most correct way to learn foreign languages.
In the presented cards, you will find two variants of writing letters. The so-called block (print) and cursive.
The second option can come in handy too, since various signs (boards) are often made in cursive letters, as well as menus in restaurants, bars and cafes.
In addition, we have tried to show you the most accurate pronunciation of individual letters of the Russian alphabet, both outside of words and in the composition of words, choosing the exact analogies of the pronunciation of letters / sounds from Russian and English words.
Remember that in Russian, as in English and many other languages, some letters in various words are often pronounced differently than they are spelled. Our transliterated text (Russian words in Latin letters) does always matches the correct pronunciation! Dashes below letters indicate stress (accent) a certain syllable in a word.
See also:
Russian alphabet fully
Digits and numbers in Russian
Basic words and phrases in Russian
InRussian - online phrasebook and helper for travelers
Learn Russian and visit Russia! Welcome!
#RussianAlphabet #CyrillicLetters #LearnRussian